[Ethnocomm] Announcing the first Ethnocomm e-seminar!

David Boromisza-Habashi david.boromisza at colorado.edu
Mon Nov 16 19:44:09 UTC 2015

Dear Ethnocomm-ers,

It is my great pleasure to announce the first Ethnocomm e-seminar! Don't worry, the event will not take place until February 1, 2016, so there is plenty of time for things like going to NCA, wrapping up the fall semester, and enjoying the holidays.

As you may already know, an e-seminar is a focused online exchange that centers on a particular topic or reading. For our first e-seminar, our shared reading will be Tamar Katriel's 2015 essay titled "Expanding ethnography of communication research: Towards ethnographies of encoding." The essay appeared in the most recent issue of the journal Communication Theory. The complete text can be downloaded from here: http://bit.ly/1PKOaUG

Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz had graciously agreed to author a response to Tamar's essay. We will kick off the e-seminar by sharing Tamar's essay and Wendy's response on February 1, 2016. During the following 2-3 weeks all Ethnocomm subscribers will be invited to post responses to Tamar's essay and Wendy's response. We will also invite Tamar to respond to the responses posted to the list during these 2-3 weeks. The e-seminar will conclude after Tamar's response and a few concluding posts.

In the spirit of full disclosure I should mention that we are modeling this e-seminar on the structure of a series of successful online seminars on the Ling-Ethnog list.

I am looking forward to the discussion for two reasons. First, I am certain that you will find Tamar's essay and Wendy's response equally thought-provoking. Second, I hope that the exchange about a theoretically oriented essay will allow us to continue the conversation about ethnography of communication and communication theorizing that began at a Blue Sky Workshop titled "Ethnographers of Communication Joining Theoretical Conversations Outside Their Subfield: Challenges and Possibilities" at the last ICA convention in Puerto Rico.

Best regards, David

David Boromisza-Habashi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication
College of Media, Communication and Information, University of Colorado Boulder

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