[etnolinguistica] Confer=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=EA?=ncia: Languages and Cultures of the Andean/Amazonian Border Area

Etnolinguistica.Org linguasindigenas at YAHOO.COM
Fri Mar 12 05:19:15 UTC 2004

A conferência sobre línguas e culturas da área fronteiriça Andes/Amazônia ocorrerá em Amsterdam, nos dias 27 e 28 de agosto de 2004. O prazo final para a submissão de trabalhos é 16 de abril.

Conferencistas convidados incluem Willem Adelaar, Stella Telles, Jon Landaburu, Marcelo Fiorini e Aryon Rodrigues. A programação final será divulgada no final de abril. Um programa preliminar, bem como informações gerais sobre o evento, encontram-se no endereço abaixo.


Para informações adicionais, queira, por gentileza, contactar os membros do comitê organizador da conferência: Gabriel Antunes (g.antunes at let.vu.nl), Cristina Borella (c.borella at let.vu.nl) e Leo Wetzels (WLM.Wetzels at let.vu.nl).

Informações sobre a submissão de trabalhos são fornecidas abaixo. Esta conferência será precedida de um colóquio sobre línguas africanas (23, 24 e 25 de agosto) e uma oficina sobre línguas ameaçadas (26 de agosto). O evento é patrocinado pelo Endangered Languages Program da Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).


Conference on Languages and Cultures of the Andean/Amazonian Border Area

The conference on languages and cultures in the Andean/Amazonian Border Area will be held at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, on August 27 and 28, 2004.

Papers are invited for 20-minute talks (plus 10 minutes for discussion) on the cultures and languages of the border area between Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia, on the one side, and Brazil (states of Amazonas, Acre, Rondônia, and Mato Grosso) on the other.

Abstracts should be no more than two pages in length (including examples and references), in 12-point type. All margins should be at least one inch wide (or 2.5 cm). Authors are asked to submit their abstracts as e-mail attachments (pdf or rtf formats are preferred, MS Word is also acceptable) with a hard copy to follow within 1 week. No faxes will be accepted. In the email message, please also include the title of the paper, name of the author(s), affiliation(s), address, phone number, and e-mail address.

Submissions are limited to a maximum of one per author. Joint abstracts will be treated as individual submissions. Since the organizers are considering publishing (a selection of ) the papers presented at the conference, preference will be given to presentations not yet given at other conferences. Authors are asked to indicate prior or planned presentations of their papers. Papers may be presented in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French.

Participants will NOT be asked to pay any registration fee. However, since for matters of organization we must know how many persons we may count on, we kindly request those that wish to attend (part of ) the presentations to notify Leo Wetzels by e-mail until July 15th 2004.

Deadline for receipt of abstracts: Friday, April 16th, 2004

Send abstracts to: WLM.Wetzels at let.vu.nl

Hard copy abstracts to:

Amazonian Linguistics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

W. Leo Wetzels, Hoofdgebouw 11A-23

De Boelelaan 1105

1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Please let us know if you need any help. For any supplementary information, do not hesitate to contact any of the members of the conference committee: Gabriel Antunes (g.antunes at let.vu.nl), Cristina Borella (c.borella at let.vu.nl), Leo Wetzels (WLM.Wetzels at let.vu.nl).

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