[etnolinguistica] Endangered Languages Meeting

Angel Corbera corbera at UOL.COM.BR
Sat Mar 27 00:59:31 UTC 2004

Endangered Languages Research in the NetherlandsCaros colegas da Lista,
Retransmito-lhes a mensagem do Colega Leo Wetzels (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) sobre o Workshop que se realizara em Holanda abrangendo linguas da America do Sul e da Africa.
Angel Corbera Mori


Endangered Languages Research in the Netherlands

The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) has created an Endangered Languages Program, which is actually sponsoring three endangered languages projects: two in Africa, and one in South-America. On August 26, 2004, a one-day workshop will be organized in the Cultural Center of the Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). During this workshop these three projects will be presented and the future of the program will be discussed. The workshop will also offer an opportunity for an exchange of ideas about the objectives and the importance of endangered languages documentation, and about more practical problems that researchers encounter while doing this type of research. A number of national and international specialists will present their ideas about a number of issues relevant to these themes. Anyone interested in participating in this workshop is kindly requested to register with the secretary of the program, Marc Linssen  (e-mail linssen at nwo.nl) before July 1 2004.


Preceding and following the one-day NWO workshop there will be two conferences: one on African linguistics, and one on Amazonian linguistics and anthropology, as presented below:



      August 23-25, 2004
     University of Leiden, The Netherlands
      August 26, 2004
     Cultureel Centrum Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
     NWO Workshop Endangered Languages Program
      August 27-28, 2004
     Cultureel Centrum Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
     Languages and Cultures in the Andean-Amazonian border Area


The NWO workshop on the endangered languages program as well as the conference on languages and cultures of the andean/amazonian border area will be held in the cultural center 'de Griffioen' of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 





August 26, 2004, NWO workshop Endangered Languages Program


Morning program:


Opening session Dr. R. Smeets (Unesco, Chairman program committee)


Lecture Prof. Dr. M. Mithun (University of Santa Barbara)

Language death and language maintenance

Lecture Prof. Dr. P. Newman (Indiana University)

The Endangered Languages issue is a not quite so hopeless cause: Recent progress vs. nagging problems


Dr. J.A.B.K. Essegbey,. K.G.E. Dorvlo M.Phil and Dr. F.K. Ameka (Leiden University, The Netherlands)

The languages and cultural heritage of the Southern Ghana-Togo Mountain Groups

Dr. A. Amha, M. Seyoum MA and Dr. M. Mous (Leiden University, The Netherlands)

Stemming the Tide: The Dime and Zargulla languages of South West Ethiopia

D. Mahecha MA,  J.M.G. Higuita MA and Prof. Dr. W.L.M. Wetzels (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

The Puinave and Nukak languages of Columbia


Afternoon program:


The aim of the afternoon workshops is to bring researchers  together to discuss a number of issues that field researchers have to deal with and that center around the involvement of the researcher in activities for the speech community where the research is carried out. During each workshop a number of questions are raised and discussed both by a panel of experts and the audience. 


14.00-14.45 Workshop 1:

Endangered Languages Research and Intellectual Property Rights
Chair: Leo Wetzels 

Many cultural expressions are considered part of a people's intellectual property. In this workshop, the motives will be discussed for deciding which expressions should be considered as aprt of an individual's or people's intellectual property. 


Panel members:

Jerzy Koopman (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) will open the workshop with a short lecture on Intellectual property law and cultural expressions

Other panel members:

Jon Landaburu (CELIA, Paris, France)

Marcelo Fiorini (Hofstra University, USA)

Paul Newman (Indiana University, USA)



15.00-15.45 Workshop 2:

Orality and Literacy 

Chair: Felix Ameka

This workshop will discuss the ways in which one can take advantage of the orality  in endangered languages in their documentation. It will examine the kinds of features in oral performances in traditions and in everyday discursive practices that get "lost" as these are reduced to writing. Participants will share experiences in this domain. The workshop will also explore ways in which modern technologies of multi-media documentation can be used to minimize the loss of orality features as communities aspire to alphabetic literacy in their languages.


15.45-16.15. Tea 


16.15-17.00 Workshop 3:

Reading materials

Chair: Maarten Mous

The aim of this workshop is to provide some thoughts and practical hints for  researcher who want to prepare reading materials such as story books for the language community. Many of us use stories for our analysis and feel an urge to make such materials available locally. The reaction of the community members towards such initiatives is in general very positive and it tends to boost their self confidence. Questions that will be addressed are very practical, for example: Should the publication be bilingual or monolingual? If bilingual how should the two languages be arranged? Do we use drawings? What is the best font size? What is an appropriate translation? etc. The workshop is accompanied by a small exhibition of reading materials.



17.00 - 17.30           Plenary discussion session


17.30             Closing of the conference followed by a coctail



August 27/28 Symposium on Languages and Cultures in the Andean/Amazonian Border

(for information concerning submissions see below).


August 27 


Morning program 


Key-note speaker Willem Adelaar (Leiden University, The Netherlands).  

The Importance of Toponymy for Disappearing and Recently Extinguished Languages


Presentation of papers

Program will be announced at the end of April


Key-note speaker Stella Telles (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)

Title: Por onde andam os advérbios - família Nambikwára



Afternoon program:


Key note speaker Jon Landaburu (CELIA, Paris, France)

La modalité épistémique dans quelques langues du sud de la Colombie.


Presentation of papers

Program will be announced at the end of April


Key-note speaker Marcelo Fiorini ( Hofstra University, USA)

What the Birdman Said: Music, Sentiment, and Discourse in Nambikwara. 


Evening Program


Conference Dinner 

August 28
Morning program 


Presentation of papers

Program will be announced at the end of April


Key note speaker Aryon Rodrigues (UFB, Brasília, Brazil) 

Tupí languages in Rondônia and in eastern Bolivia

Afternoon program


In the afternoon, a program will be offered that especially addresses a non-specialized public interested in the problem of disappearing languages or curious to know about it. Among other themes, attention will be given to the UNESCO's decision to declare the oral and graphic expressions of the Wajãpi Indians as a  "Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity". Since, for the larger public, the importance of 'patrimonialisation' of intellectual activity/tradition is poorly understood, an effort is being made to bring to Amsterdam a member of the Wajãpi people and an outside specialist of the Wajãpi culture, in order to explain the cultural, mythological and social significance of the Wajãpi painting (including body painting) tradition.


Conference on Languages and Cultures of the Andean/Amazonian Border Area


The conference on languages and cultures in the Andean/Amazonian Border Area will be held at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, on August 27 and 28, 2004.

Papers are invited for 20-minute talks (plus 10 minutes for discussion) on the cultures and languages of the border area between Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia, on the one side, and Brazil (states of Amazonas, Acre, Rondônia, and Mato Grosso) on the other.

Abstracts should be no more than two pages in length (including examples and references), in 12-point type. All margins should be at least one inch wide (or 2.5 cm). Authors are asked to submit their abstracts as e-mail attachments (pdf or rtf formats are preferred, MS Word is also acceptable) with a hard copy to follow within 1 week. No faxes will be accepted. In the email message, please also include the title of the paper, name of the author(s), affiliation(s), address, phone number, and e-mail address.

Submissions are limited to a maximum of one per author. Joint abstracts will be treated as individual submissions. Since the organizers are considering publishing (a selection of ) the papers presented at the conference, preference will be given to presentations not yet given at other conferences. Authors are asked to indicate prior or planned presentations of their papers. Papers may be presented in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French.


Participants will NOT be asked to pay any registration fee. However, since for matters of organization we must know how many persons we may count on, we kindly request those that wish to attend (part of ) the presentations to notify Leo Wetzels by e-mail until July 15th 2004.


Deadline for receipt of abstracts: Friday, April 16th, 2004

Send abstracts to: WLM.Wetzels at let.vu.nl


Hard copy abstracts to:

Amazonian Linguistics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

W. Leo Wetzels, Hoofdgebouw 11A-23

De Boelelaan 1105

1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands


We encourage participants to also attend the NWO Endangered Languages Research workshop on the 26th of August (see above). Please register separately for this event with the secretary of the Endangered languages Program, Marc Linssen  (e-mail linssen at nwo.nl) before July 1, 2004. 


Suitable addresses for accommodation in Amsterdam can be found at the following web site. http://www.amsterdam.nl/asp/get.asp?ItmIdt=00001372&SitIdt=00000005&VarIdt=00000002


Under the heading 'Special Hotels', you find a clickable web-page www.dakloos.nl, with the addresses of a number of relatively cheap and very decent hotels in Amsterdam and the Amsterdam region. 


On the web-page below you will encounter a city map of Amsterdam:



Click on the field 'city map' at the bottom of the list that you find in the upper right corner. The conference center is not on the map, but it is close to the VrijeUniversiteit (VU). On the city map you find a search engine. Fill in under 'straat': De Boelelaan ; under 'Huisnr.': 1105. This is the address of the VU. Type 'enter'. The location of the VU will appear on the map. If you type next the name of the street and the street number of the hotel you are interested in, you can estimate the distance of your hotel to the Vrije Universiteit. The conference center is about 10 minutes southwards from the VU, by tram 5, or express tram (Metro) 51 (Station 'Uilenstede'). Both trains also cross the city in different ways. Consequently, the best location of the hotel of your choice is on the tram line 5 or the express tram line 51. On the next web-page you find a public transportation map:



On this map you see a number of small yellow fields. The center of Amsterdam corresponds to the field number 5700 (the part of the city that is located on the waterfront). You click on these fields in order to zoom in. The Vrije Universiteit is in field 4714, located two fields down from zone 5700 and one to the left. By clicking up and down on the transportation map you can easily check if your hotel is close to one of the tramlines 5 or 51. 

Please let us know if you need any help. For any supplementary information, do not hesitate to contact any of the members of the conference committee:


Gabriel Antunes        g.antunes at let.vu.nl

Cristina Borella         c.borella at let.vu.nl

Leo Wetzels            WLM.Wetzels at let.vu.nl





The 34th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics will be held in Leiden on August 23 - 24 - 25, 2004. Participants are requested to register on Sunday, August 22nd, in the afternoon. The meetings will be held from Monday morning until Wednesday afternoon. Papers and research reports on all aspects of African languages and linguistics are welcome. We shall allow 30 minutes for the presentation of each paper, including (10 minutes of) discussion.

We suggest you book your own accommodation. You can find suitable addresses at the following web site: http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/ulcl/events/confs/info.html. Please let us know if you need any help.


Please register before June 1st, 2004, by answering the questions below. We just need your title; since there is no selection, we don't need an abstract. We shall confirm your registration and provide more detailed information in our second circular, which we shall send to you early in July. In case you need an official letter of acceptance for the conference, just ask us. If you need a visa to enter the Netherlands, please start procedures well ahead of time. 

Unfortunately it is impossible for us to provide financial assistance.

 We encourage participants to also attend the NWO Endangered Languages Research workshop on the 26th of August (see above). Please regisster separately for this event with the secretary of the Endangered languages Program, Marc Linssen  (e-mail linssen at nwo.nl) before July 1 2004. 


This invitation is sent to participants of recent CALL's and to some other addresses. Please share this information with interested colleagues and students at your institution. Hoping to hear from you and to see you at our Colloquium. For information please contact the organizers of the colloquium Maarten Mous, Sander Steeman, at call at let.leidenuniv.nl











Please address your reply to:

CALL at Let.LeidenUniv.NL


[Last update: March 11, 2004]

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