Mo ção de apoio à cor respondência do Hein van der Voort à S

Victor Petrucci vicpetru at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Aug 31 11:08:22 UTC 2006

Caros companheiros da lista

Como membro não acadêmico e como cidadão envio meu apoio à moção de repúdio 
do Hein van der Voort pela imposição de tal ISO descabida e não 
participativa. Faço minhas as palavras de alguns companheiros que relançam a 
discussão de que a ISO proposta é apenas uma faceta de uma ingerência 
extra-lingüística que vem se dando desde 1956 através de artifícios e 
convênios discutíveis.

Victor A. Petrucci
Campinas - Brasil
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>From: "Nilson Gabas Junior" <gabas at>
>Reply-To: etnolinguistica at
>To: etnolinguistica at
>Subject: [etnolinguistica] Moção de apoio à correspondência do Hein van der 
>Voort à SSILA
>Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 22:22:33 -0000
>Prezados membros desta lista,
>Gostaria de agradecer o apoio manifestado por membros desta lista e
>por emails recebidos em caráter particular, em relação à proposta de
>envio de uma moção à Abralin, sobre a correspondência do pesquisador
>Hein van der Voort publicada recentemente no Boletim da SSILA.
>Apresento, assim, abaixo, um texto largamente baseado no conteúdo do
>texto apresentado pelo Dr. Sebastian Drude, para apreciação dos
>membros e comentários.
>Informo que é minha intenção enviar o texto à Abralin na próxima
>sexta-feira, 1 de setembro. Assim, contribuições deverão ser feitas
>até esta data, preferencialmente.
>Gabas Jr.
>The Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, a research institution of the
>Ministry of Science and Technology, subscribed by several linguists
>and leaders of Indian organizations of Brazil through the electronic
>discussion list "Etnolinguistica", want to express our concern
>regarding the points that were raised by Dr. Hein van der Voort
>in the SSILA-Bulletin number 242 of August 22 of 2006, and
>show our support for the general position taken by Dr. van der
>Voort (full text is given below).
>Basically, Dr. van der Voort states that a decision to adopt the
>Ethnologue's language codes as the reference standard for the
>languages of the world (also called ISO 639-3) was not fully
>discussed within the linguistic community. He also questions the
>validity of this decision based in ethics (should a religious
>organization be in charge of such effort?) and accuracy
>(Ethnologue is a faulty, although extensive publication).
>He also proposes efforts like UNESCO's Redbook of the
>Endangered Languages of the World to be considered in the
>discussion an alternative to SIL's Ethnologue.
>In particular, we feel that there is only one sensitive answer --
>"NO"-- to the central question raised by Dr. van der Voort,
>namely: "should we as scientists collaborate so directly with a
>proselytizing organization, lending it legitimacy and potentially
>contributing to its ultimate goal -- that of replacing indigenous
>cultures with a specific Western one?"
>Therefore, we request that the current state of affairs with respect
>to the ISO 639-3 be reviewed, and that another, purely academic
>institution (possibly a committee or commission to be created) be
>responsible for maintaining and revising the ISO list of languages
>and their codes. The academic commission of the SSILA assigned to
>evaluate proposals for changes of the survey of South America may
>serve as an example for other regions, and some coordination of
>regional commissions could be established in order to assure similar
>criteria and standards.
>It would be certainly a time-consuming project, but the final
>product will be also a more reliable and sensible one.
>Thus, it seems important for us that the ISO 639-3 standard and a
>possible permanent ISO 639-3 commission be clearly separated from
>the Ethnologue and the SIL in general, making it possible for any
>linguist to contribute to the ISO standard without contributing
>direct or indirectly to the SIL.
>With this motion, it is our intention to invite linguists who share
>our view to make this position clear in their local academic
>associations and to start a worldwide discussion about a possible
>different solution for the ISO 639-3.
>Sincerely yours,
>Dr. Nilson Gabas, Jr.
>Research and Graduate Coordinator
>MCT-Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi
>The Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas
>                *** SSILA BULLETIN ***
>        An Information Service for SSILA Members
>          Editor - Victor Golla  (golla at
>Associate Editor - Scott DeLancey  (delancey at
>-->>  --Correspondence should be directed to the Editor--  <<--
>                            Number 242:  August 22, 2006
>242.1  Correspondence
>* Problems with the Ethnologue
>    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >From Hein van der Voort (hvoort at
>25 July 2006:
>Last year the International Standardization Organization
>(ISO) decided to adopt the Ethnologue's language codes
>as the reference standard for the languages of the world,
>called ISO 639-3. The responsibility for setting up the
>standard was in fact given to the Summer Institute of
>Linguistics (SIL) (see SSILA Bulletin #227, 16 August
>2005, and SSILA Newsletter, April 2006, p.16). This
>decision was not discussed with the wider linguistic community.
>Why should a missionary organization like SIL be given
>the control of the universal standard for linguistic reference?
>One reason is the fact that SIL has developed the
>Ethnologue, which is a highly useful reference tool.
>The good thing about the Ethnologue is that it represents
>the most complete survey of the languages of the world
>that exists today.
>However, the Ethnologue is filled with errors, at least
>as far as South America is concerned. With regard to the
>50 languages of the region where I work, the Guaporé
>region of Bolivia and Brazil, these errors include
>languages being represented as dialects, dialects
>represented as languages, languages attributed to the
>wrong family or stock, living languages declared dead,
>languages omitted entirely, and countless alternative
>names applied incorrectly or to more than one language.
>SIL has, indeed, set up a procedure to correct and improve
>the information that forms the basis for the ISO standard.
>Linguists with documentable knowledge have been invited
>to submit their corrections on special forms that are to be
>evaluated for the Americas by an independent committee
>of SSILA members. This procedure will also improve the
>quality of the data contained in the Ethnologue. But why
>is the existing information in the Ethnologue not subjected
>to the same scrutiny as the corrections that will be submitted
>to the SSILA committee?
>There are alternatives to the Ethnologue, in particular the
>ideologically neutral UNESCO website in Tokyo for the
>Red Book of Endangered Languages ( http://www.tooyoo.l.u-
> ).
>Granted, the Red Book's database is still not complete (the
>important sections on Brazil and North America are not yet
>activated). But at least the information it does contain is
>reliable and comprehensive, and it deserves to be developed.
>Perhaps another reason SIL was chosen is because the ISO
>Institute was not aware of any of these issues, since it is not
>specialized with regard to language and linguistics. They
>seem to have handed over the controls to the first
>organization that was pointed out to them. I can't recall any
>preceding discussion of this ISO decision at all.
>The central issue I raise here is an ethical one: should we as
>scientists collaborate so directly with a proselytizing
>organization, lending it legitimacy and potentially
>contributing to its ultimate goal -- that of replacing
>indigenous cultures with a specific Western one?

IV Encontro da Associação Brasileira de Estudos Crioulos e Similares
Goiânia, 18 a 20 de outubro de 2006
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