Arawakan symposium at ICA 2012

Frank frank.seifart at BERLIN.DE
Mon Apr 18 12:17:21 UTC 2011

Call for papers

*Arawakan linguistic and cultural identities***


Symposium number 654 at the54th International Congress of Americanists(ICA)

Vienna, Austria, July 15-20, 2012

coordinated by Frank Seifart (Leipzig) and Françoise Rose (Lyon)


Arawakan (or Arawak), one of the great linguistic families in South 
America, continues to pose intriguing research questions for 
linguistics, anthropology, and related disciplines. Due to the 
remarkable expansion of the family throughout much of South America and 
the Caribbean, Arawakan people and languages have come into contact with 
numerous, genealogically unrelated peoples and languages, often forming 
multilingual cultural areas, some of which can be considered true 
linguistic areas. This symposium provides a forum for dialogue between 
specialists on Arawakan languages and peoples. The main goal is to 
better characterize Arawakan languages and cultures as being made up of 
traits inherited from a common ancestor on the one hand, and contact 
with non-Arawakans on the other hand. We aim at interdisciplinary 
dialogue, involving linguists, historians, anthropologists and 
archeologists. We particularly welcome (but do not restrict this call 
to) proposals for papers that contribute to a better understanding of 
the history of the Arawakan expansion. Such contributions may be based 
on large-scale comparisons involving many languages or groups, but may 
as well be on a local scale, i.e. focusing on individual languages or 
groups in the context of their local contact situations and/or close 
genealogical relatives, from any Arawakan language or group.

Pending final approval, the following talks have been scheduled in this 

    * Frank Seifart: Arawakan linguistic inheritance vs. areal
      influence: A case study on Resígaro
    * Alf Hornborg: Pre-Columbian Ethnogenesis: Understanding the Arawak
      Expansion in Terms of Socio-cultural Processes rather than
    * Françoise Rose: Historical hypotheses on the dialectal situation
      of Mojeño
    * Swintha Danielsen: The "valency split" within the Arawakan
      language family
    * Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo and Manuela Fischer: Max Schmidt y la
      expansión Arawak: problemas y perspectivas desde la arqueología
    * Michael Heckenberger: Southern Amazonian Arawak, indigenous
      histories, domesticate landscapes and ethnogenesis
    * Robin M. Wright: The sacred traditions of Kuwai among northern
      Arawakan peoples and their multiple implications for linguistic
      differentiation by gender, shamanic specializations, and
      inter-ethnic hybridity

We invite proposal for further papers dealing with any (combination of) 
the following topics:

    * linguistic and cultural characteristics of Arawakan
      languages/peoples (description, comparison or reconstruction)
    * Arawakan and non-Arawakan interactions
    * classification: dialects, languages, subgroups, and Arawakan as a
    * Arawakan within regional cultural and linguistic areas

The working languages of this symposium are English, Spanish, and Portuguese

To submit proposals (of 1,000-2,000 characters) for papers please use 
the online form available at, 
specifying symposium number 654.

Note that participants may present up to two papers, in two separate 
symposia of the ICA

The deadline of submission of proposals for papers is August 31, 2011


Frank Seifart
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Department of Linguistics
Deutscher Platz 6, 04103 Leipzig, Germany

Phone:     +49 (0) 341 35 50 325
E-mail:    frank_seifart at
Home page:
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