SALSA proposta independente suplementar

bauo vrlea at TERRA.COM.BR
Wed Feb 2 23:23:09 UTC 2011

Caros e Caras,

Estou mandando a seguinte proposta em inglês devido à natureza  
multilíngüe do congresso em questão. Para quem não puder ou não deseja  
participar desse encontro em Belém, e se interessa pelo tema, Edilene  
Coffaci de Lima (professora doutora da Universidade Federal do Paraná)  
e eu (idem, da UNICAMP) estamos propondo levar essa discussão à  
próxima reunião da Anpocs. Porém, essa proposta ainda não foi aprovada.

Um abraço

Vanessa Lea

Dear All,

I’m sending you a proposal for a thematic session at the coming SALSA  
meeting in Belém. In order to be accepted it requires at least four  
participants. I need to send all abstracts to Marcela Coelho de Souza,  
the academic organiser, by February 15th, so will anyone interested  
please send me their abstract a.s.a.p.

All proposals should include the following information and be  
submitted in the following manner: Author last name, Author first name  

TITLE.  Abstract of no more than 100 words.

Please note that presenters must be members (new member registration  
is welcome and encouraged!), and must have earned a Ph.D. or be in a  
Ph.D. program. Paper presentations should be no longer than 20 minutes  
in length. Abstracts and papers may be in English, Portuguese or  

Best wishes,

Vanessa Lea

Proposal of thematic session for the SALSA Conference at the Museu  
Goeldi, Belém, 22-26 June, 2011:

The metamorphosis of the ethnographer

This panel proposes to discuss the transformation of the role of  
anthropologist in the contemporary world context. The very question of  
alterity is changing (not just in ‘ethnology’) as people increasingly  
study their own groups (vegans studying veganism etc).

In Brazil the discussion of post-colonialism is usually reserved for  
elsewhere in the world, but there are evident analogies between what  
is happening here and native empowerment elsewhere. It is accompanied  
by the demand for the transfer of technology, in the sense of  
transforming Amerindians into ethnographers.

The importance of the symbolic theme of predation has received much  
discussion in the anthropological literature, but the projection of  
the image of predator onto the ethnographer has been virtually  
ignored. It is a delicate issue as anthropologists have long been the  
brunt of attacks from the Right. Brazilian anthropology prides itself  
on being politicized, but this goes hand in hand with its  
powerlessness, opposition to the Belo Monte project being but the  
latest instance.

Is collaborative or symmetrical anthropology sufficient answer? In  
sum, how far can we reinvent ourselves?

See the following link for more information about the conference:


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