Tese: A reference grammar of Wanano (Stenzel 2004)

Etnolinguistica.Org (Admin) site at ETNOLINGUISTICA.ORG
Fri Aug 17 15:03:37 UTC 2012

Kristine Stenzel (http://www.etnolinguistica.org/perfil:16) acaba de
fazer-nos a gentileza de compartilhar sua tese de doutorado em nosso

Stenzel, Kristine Sue. 2004
A reference grammar of Wanano
Orientação: Jule Gomez de Garcia; Barbara Fox
PhD, University of Colorado

A tese, ganhadora do Mary Haas Award de 2004
(http://lista.etnolinguistica.org/541), oferece uma descrição bastante
abrangente da língua, sendo de interesse tanto para especialistas em
línguas sul-americanas, quanto tipologistas e lingüistas gerais, como
lembra o comitê avaliador do Prêmio:

"A Reference Grammar of Wanano [...] is a most thorough description of
a very unusual language, which is sure to be of interest both to
specialists in Amazonian languages and to typologists and other
general linguists.  Our committee truly appreciates the extensive (and
doubtless occasionally difficult) fieldwork on which it is based [...]
and the contributions [the author] made toward community literacy, as
well as the way [she] used comparative evidence and points of theory
to better analyze the facts of Wanano."

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