camargo at VJF.CNRS.FR
camargo at VJF.CNRS.FR
Sat May 26 15:22:12 UTC 2012
Je profite pour effectuer une correction sur une information non complète
fournie sur le cachinawa:
interjection serait du type tsuu 'd'étonnement', lorsqu'on rencontre qq de
façon inespérée par exemple. Souvent énoncé par les femmes:
--tsuu, min huai? Haskadamen. (diraient-elles)
-- Wouaouh, tu arrives? Quoi de neuf?
Je ne dispose pas sous les yeux l'inventaire des interjections, mais
souvent celles employées par les femmes ne sont pas les mêmes employées
par les hommes. Les interjections pour les douleurs par exemple sont
différentes selon le genre.
Dans le message précédant, j'avais indiquer hii et huu comme interjection
par erreur. Il s'agit des verbes périphrastiques qui requièrent le
verbalisateur intransitif i{k}-
hii imiski Il crie.
huu imiski Elle crie.
et le nom hiidan le cri des hommes.
J'avais aussi fait mention au ton grave (huu) et aigu (hii). J'ajoute que
lors du rituel de la fertilité, katxa nawa, les rôles du genre changent:
L'homme chante avec une voix grave alors que la femme chante avec une voix
Il y aurait énormément de choses à faire dans ce domaine dans plusieurs
langues amazoniennes.
> Beleza, Rogério. Obrigado pelas dicas! Se alguém pudesse escanear este
> artigo da Filomena e compartilhar em nosso site, seria ótimo.
> A propósito, há dois artigos online que vêm ao caso -- da Lilian
> (Souza 2011) e da Jaqueline (Souza 2009), orientanda da Filomena:
> Fala masculina e fala feminina no Kadiwéu (Souza 2011)
> Variação dialetal e gramática pedagógica: Kadiwéu (Souza 2009)
> Quando a dissertação da Lilian se tornar disponível, avise-nos, por
> gentileza, para que possamos incluí-la em nosso banco de teses.
> Abraços, e obrigado,
> Eduardo
> On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 8:40 PM, Rogerio Ferreira <rogmates at>
> wrote:
>> Olá Eduardo, tem a dissertação de minha aluna. Lilian Ayres, que
>> trabalhou
>> com fala feminina na língua Kadwéu, também tem um artigo da Filomena que
>> trata da diferença de fala feminina e masculina "Estratificação social e
>> dialetos prosódicos no kadiwéu". O trabalho da Lilian estará logo
>> disponível
>> no site da UFMS.
>> The objective of this study is to research the difference between female
>> speech and male speech in the language Kadiwéu, which belongs to the
>> Guaikuru linguistic family. According to FUNASA data, in 2009 there were
>> 1.346 kadiwéu, unevenly distributed in five different indian settlements
>> (Alves de Barros, Campina, São João, Barro Preto e Tomázia) in a marked
>> area
>> with 538.000 hectares, in Porto Murtinho, region of Serra da Bodoquena,
>> Mato
>> Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. The study was realized with collaborators
>> taking into account gender, age and the hierarchy of the group (nobles
>> and
>> captives). The interviews were made in Alves de Barros village, which is
>> also known as the biggest village. The different speech between men and
>> women is inherent in the process of communication and social
>> interaction,
>> and inserted in a cultural learning process. Such phenomenon is
>> recurrent of
>> the language in use and is supported by the vison of the funcionalism.
>> The
>> purpose of the research is to survey the largest possible amount of
>> words
>> that show difference between men and women language and to identify in
>> which
>> linguistic levels such differences can occur. The results show that
>> kadiwéu
>> men and women speak and write words differently, sometimes with phonetic
>> and
>> phonological variations, sometimes presenting lexical variation.
>> ********************************************88
>> Rogério V. Ferreira
>> rogerio.v.ferreira at
>> rogmatis at
> --
> Eduardo Rivail Ribeiro, lingüista
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