tese Ikpeng

Gustavo Godoy gutzii at GMAIL.COM
Mon Mar 31 18:00:40 UTC 2014


2014-03-27 17:59 GMT-03:00 Evandro Bonfim <evandrobonfim at hotmail.com>:

> Não entendo porque o ramo pekodiano é dado como fato consumado nos estudos
> sobre a família Caribe.
> Evandro Bonfim
> ------------------------------
> From: corbera at uol.com.br
> To: etnolinguistica at yahoogrupos.com.br
> Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 18:29:48 -0300
> Subject: [etnolinguistica] tese Ikpeng
> Oi pessoal,
> A tese de doutorado de Angela Chagas sobre "o Verbo Ikpeng: estudo
> morfossintático e semântico-lexical" já está disponivel para download na
> biblioteca digital da UNICAMP.
> http://www.bibliotecadigital.unicamp.br/document/?code=000915685&opt=3
> Abstract: This dissertation's main goal is to mak.e a morphosyntactic
> study of the Ikpeng language verbs (Karib family; Pekodian branch), from a
> lexical-semantic approach, based mainly on the work ofLevin (1993), Levin
> and Hovav (1995) and Hale and Keyser (2002). ln this work, we present the
> categorization processes (verb formation from non-categorized roots), verb
> (re)categorization processes (verb derivation from nominal and adjectival
> roots), as well as the valence change processes (transitivity and
> intransitivity). We summarise the tense-aspectual morphology, that was
> previously described by Pachêco (1997, 2001) and Campetela (1997), in order
> to clarify issues that were pending in the work previously proposed for
> lkpeng language. New series of personal prefixes were identilled, which
> contributed mainly to explain the transitive verb agreement system, which
> is governed by the fact that verbal arguments are or are not speech act
> participants, allowing us to explain the person marking on the transitive
> verb as a ( direct-) inverse system, alignment attested in severa! Cariban
> languages. We also proposed the existence of two types of intransitive
> verbs in the language: the externally caused, that alternate the valence
> and are marked with the SA prefix; and the internally caused, which are
> non-alternating and carry the Sp prefixes. We also make a brief discussion
> on the existence or not of number agreement in the Ikpeng language. From
> the observation ofthe verbal behavior in transitive alternations, we
> propose that there are two semantic types ofverbs, in Ikpeng: the dyadics
> (transitive and externally caused intransitive) and the monadic ones
> (internally caused intransitive). Based on the verbal behavior in
> transitive alternation, and in its formation/derivation process, we make a
> proposal for analyzing the argument structure ofthe verbal types
> identified. This analysis is based on the work of Hale and Keyser (2002),
> for whom the type of argument structure of each word class is determined
> from the semantic features of its root. We propose that the transitive and
> the intransitive verbs that are semantically monadic (internally caused
> verbs) have a monadic argument structure; and that the intransitive verbs
> that are semantically dyadic (externally caused verbs) has a dyadic
> argument structure. Finally, we also make a proposal for a lexical
> projection for transitive verbs locative.
> Angel Corbera Mori

*____gustavo godoy___*
"Há mais coisa entre o último dos patamares celestes e o mundo subterrâneo
(e o subaquático) do que sonha nossa vã etnologia."
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