language used on list

anna livia livia at SIRIUS.COM
Sun Nov 7 17:20:26 UTC 1999

Hi Flingsters,

I agree with Megan and Eve that it's a very good idea to welcome discussion
in languages other than English. Megan voiced a worry that if the language
was spoken and understood by only a small minority of people on the list,
then the list would no be fulfilling its function. I recognise this as a
potential problem. I have noticed on 3D web chatrooms (like AlphaWorld)
that although English dominates, there are also many contributions in other
languages. What happens typically is that a new character speaks in, say
Italian. Those who only speak English and are following a different thread,
simply continue their discussion in English ignoring the "interruption."
Other Italian speakers who are also logged on, reply to the Italian thread.
There tends to be no overlap between the threads and no translation, but
each community can use AlphaWorld technology to chat--albeit with no idea
what the other language communities are saying.

Not sure how far this use will parallel Fling style, but I want to point out.
Anna Livia

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