Anyone know this book?

Mary Bucholtz bucholtz at TAMU.EDU
Fri May 11 18:52:44 UTC 2001

Ann asked:

I heard a bit of an radio interview about a new book (most likely
nonacademic) describing pressures on teens to dress and act according to
midriff and gangster stereotypes.  Sexy and dumb for girls, tough and dumb
for boys.  Music video type portrayals.  Does anyone know author or title
of this book?  --Ann Bodine

This sounds to me like Douglas Rushkoff's Merchants of Cool (I think that's
the title), a PBS special on media influences on teenagers. His gender
categories are the Midriff and the Mook, and as you might guess, his
analysis is vastly oversimplistic.

Hope this helps,


Mary Bucholtz
Assistant Professor of Linguistics and Discourse Studies

Department of English
227 Blocker
Texas A&M University
4227 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-4227

bucholtz at
phone: (979) 862-3910
fax: (979) 862-2292

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