lesbian language

Janet Holmes Janet.Holmes at VUW.AC.NZ
Mon May 19 10:45:57 UTC 2003

Here are some references Jane
sorry  they are not very up-to-date but they provide you with a start

Heywood, John 1997.  The object of desire is the objectc of contempt: representations of masculinity in Straight to Hell magazine. In Sally Johnson & Urike Hanna Meinhof (Eds.), Language and Masculinity.  Oxford: Blackwell, 188-207.

  World Englishes 17,2 1998: Symposium on Linguistic Creativity in LGBT Discourse.  9 papers.

OUTiL, a mailing list for lesbian, gay, bisexual, dyke, queer, homosexual, etc.

linguists and their friends. Information about OUTiL is available at:


Jacobs, Greg 1998. The struggle over naming: a case study of ‘queer’ in Toronto, 1990-1994, World Englishes 17,2: 193-202.

Leap, William L. 1998. Rethinking language and gender: recent steps toward a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered linguistics. World Englishes 17,2: 191-192.

Leap, William 1999.  Language, Socialization, and Silence in Gay Adolescence. In Mary Bucholtz,  A.C. Liang, and Laurel Sutton (eds.) Reinventing Identities: The Gendered Self in Discourse.  New York: Oxford University Press.

Liang, A.C. 1999. Conversationally Implicating Lesbian and Gay Identity.  In Mary Bucholtz,  A.C. Liang, and Laurel Sutton (eds.) Reinventing Identities: The Gendered Self in Discourse.  New York: Oxford University Press.

Queen, Robin M. 1998. ‘Stay queer!’ ‘Never fear!’: building queer social networks, World Englishes 17,2: 203-214.

Zeve, Barry. 1993. "The Queen's English: Metaphor in Gay Speech."

_English Today_ 35(9)

Ashley, Leonard R. N.  "Kinks and Queens: Linguistic and Cultural

Aspects of the Terminology for Gays."  Maledicta 3 (1979): 215-256.

Livia, Anna (1995).  "I Ought to Throw a Buick at You: Fictional

Representations of Butch/Femme Speech."  In Kira Hall and Mary

Bucholtz, eds. _Gender Articulated: Language and the Socially

Constructed Self._ New York: Routledge.


Cox, Leslie John, and Richard Fay. 1994. "Gayspeak, The Linguistic

-Fringe: Bona Polari, Camp, Queerspeak and Beyond" in Margins of the

-City, ed. Whittle, S. Athenaeum Press.


 "Queerly Articulated: Language, Gender, and Sexuality" edited by

Kira Hall; less about gay language than about women and language:

"Gender Articulated: Language and the socially constructed self."

-Grahn, Judy.  Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds.

Boston: Beacon Press, 1984.

Livia, A., & Hall, K. (Ed.). (1997).  Queerly Phrased: Language,

Gender and Sexuality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ashley, Leonard R. N. 1980. 'Lovely, Blooming, Fresh, and Gay': The

   Onomastics of Camp. Maledicta 4:2.223-248.

Ashley, Leonard R.N. 1982. "Dyke Diction: The Language of Lesbians."

   Maledicta VI: pp. 123-62. Also in Studies in Homosexuality, Dynes, W.

   and S. Donaldsen, eds. 1994. Hamden, CT: Garland.


Ashley, Leonard R.N. 1979. "Kinks and Queens: Linguistic and Cultural

   Aspects of the Terminology for Gays." Maledicta III: pp. 215-56   Chesebro, James W., ed. 1981. Gayspeak: Gay Male and Lesbian

   Communication. New York: Pilgrim Press. [contains 25 papers on g/l


   Chesebro, James W. 1994. "Reflections on Gay and Lesbian Rhetoric".

   Queer Words, Queer Images. R. Jeffrey Ringer, ed. New York: NYU Press.

   Pp. 77-90.

   Dynes, Wayne R. 1985. Homolexis: A Historical and Cultural Lexicon of

   Homosexuality. New York: Gay Academic Union.

   Farrel, Ronald A. 1972. "The Argot of the Homosexual Subculture".

   Anthropological Linguistics, Vol. 14, pp. 97-109.

 Grahn, Judy. 1984. Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds.

   Boston: Beacon Press. 324 pp. This is less a discussion of language

   than of culture and mythology, with a strong influence from Goddess

   spirituality; but includes comments on the history of many words used

   to describe gay people. I don't vouch for its etymological rigor.

   [Gene Buckley]

   Gordon,Michael. "Sexual slang and gender". Women and Language. Fall

   1993. Reports on male vs. female vocabularies for a variety of sexual

   topics. [Lynne Murphy]

   Hayes, Joseph J. 1976. "Gayspeak." Quarterly Journal of Speech, Vol.

   62, No. 3, pp. 256-266.

      Hayes, Joseph J. 1978-9. "Language and Language Behavior in Lesbian

   Women and Gay Men: A selected bibliography." Journal of Homosexuality

   4, pp. 201-12, 299-309. [cited in the article on language and

   linguistics in the Encyclopedia of Homosexuality, Wayne Dynes, ed.

   Garland Library of Social Science, v. 492. New York:1990]

   Johansson, Warren. 1981. "The Etymology of the Word `Faggot'." Gay

   Books Bulletin 6, pp. 16-18, 33. Also in Studies in Homosexuality,

   Dynes, W. and S. Donaldsen, eds. 1994. Hamden, CT: Garland   

   Leap, William L. 1994. "Learning gay culture in a 'desert of nothing':

   Language as a resource in gender socialization." High School Journal

   77 (1,2): 122-131.

   Leap, William (ed.) 1985.  Beyond the Lavender Lexicon: Authenticity, Imagination and Appropriation in Lesbian and Gay Languages.  New York: Gordon and Breach Press.

 Leap, William L. 1996. Word's Out: Gay Men's English.  Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.  

Leap, William.  Language, socialization and silence in gay adolescence. 1999. In Mary Bucholtz, A.C. Liang & Laurel A. Sutton (eds)  Reinventing Identities.  New York: Oxford University Press. 259-272.

  Moonwomon, Birch. 1985. Toward an analysis (characterization?) of

   lesbian speech. In proceedings of the 1985 Berkeley Conference on

   Women and Language.

  Murray, Stephen O. 1980. "Lexical and Institutional Elaboration: The

   `Species Homosexual' in Guatemala." Anthropological Linguistics 22.

   Also in Studies in Homosexuality, Dynes, W. and S. Donaldsen, eds.

   1994. Hamden, CT: Garland.

   Ostrom, Aaron Bruce W. 1983. A Study of Lexical Items in the Gay

   Subculture. In Jerold A. Edmondson (ed.), Research Papers of the Texas

   SIL: Pilot Studies in Sociolinguistics: Variation, Use, and Attitudes,

   pp. 72-87. Dallas: SIL. 

   Roberts, J.R. 1979. "In America They Call Us Dykes: Notes on the

   Etymology and Usage of `Dyke'." Sinister Wisdom 9, pp. 2-11. Also in

   Studies in Homosexuality, Dynes, W. and S. Donaldsen, eds. 1994.

   Hamden, CT: Garland.

   Rodgers, Bruce. 1972. Gay Talk: a Dictionary of Gay Slang. New York:


   Rodgers, Bruce. 1972. The Queen's Vernacular: A Gay Lexicon. San

   Francisco: Straight Arrow Books.

    Spears, Richard A. 1985. "On the Etymology of `Dike'." American Speech

   60, pp. 318-27.

   Stanley, Alessandra. 1991. "Militants Back `Queer', Shoving `Gay' the

   Way of `Negro'." New York Times, 6 April 1991, pp. 23-24.

    Stanley, Julia Penelope. 1970. "Homosexual Slang." American Speech,

   45, pp. 45-59.

      Stanley, Julia Penelope. 1974. "When We Say `Out of the Closets!'"

   College English, November, pp. 385-391.

      Stanley, Julia Penelope. 1974. "What's In a Name: The Politics of

   Naming." Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, April.

   Stanley, Julia Penelope and Robbins, Susan. 1976. "Sexist Slang and

   the Gay Community: Are You One Too?" Modern Language Association, New

   York, December.

      Taub, Diane and Leger, Robert G. 1984. "Argot and the Creation of

   Social Types in a Young Gay Community". Human Relations 37, pp.


   Wells, Joel W. 1990. "The Sexual Vocabularies of Heterosexual and

   Homosexual Males and Females for Communicating Erotically with a

   Sexual Partner." Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp.


   Wells, Joel W. 1989. "Sexual Language Usage in Different Interpersonal

   Contexts: A Comparison of Gender and Sexual Orientation." Archives of

   Sexual Behaviour, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 127-143.


	-----Original Message----- 
	From: jane parker [mailto:jtothapea at WILDMAIL.COM] 
	Sent: Mon 5/19/2003 9:04 p.m. 
	Subject: lesbian language

	Dear all,
	     i am an MA student at Queen Mary University of London and am writing my
	dissertation on Language and Gender. i am particularly interested in studies
	of gay and lesbian language and would really appreciate if anyone out there
	could perhaps recommend some reading???
	many thanks,
	jane parker.

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