'Use' and the Supreme Court

Jon Aske jaske at ABACUS.BATES.EDU
Wed Nov 8 04:08:59 UTC 1995

Hi Jo, I saw the article too and cut it out to use it someday in class.
It was great.  Here is the reference:

NY Times, Tuesday, October 31, 1995, by Linda Greenhouse, p. A19
"Justices explore elusive meaning of a word that seems so simple"

I seem to remember seeing an announcement about a talk by Chuck Fillmore
on the same topic not too long ago, if my memory serves me well.  Probably
a talk at Berkeley announced on the linguists' net there.

Best, Jon

Jon Aske  /  jaske at bates.edu (Bates) / jonaske at garnet.berkeley.edu (UCB)

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