(Fwd) Re: Query: Periphrastic Future
Christian Lehmann
Mon Apr 29 13:52:49 UTC 1996
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To: colinh at OWLNET.RICE.EDU
Subject: Re: Query: Periphrastic Future
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 13:51:39
There is another Papuan language, Kobon (genetically related to Andy's Ka=
lam, =
if I am not mistaken), that does the same. See Davies's account in the Li=
ngua =
Descriptive Studies volume.
Another language with a similar construction is Korean.
German has a periphrastic construction `X macht sich ans V-inf' meaning `=
X is =
preparing/going to V', e.g. `Paul macht sich ans Klavierspielen' `Paul is=
about to play the piano.' The construction is illuminating in that it mak=
es =
the detransitivization of the `do' auxiliary explicit which is presuppose=
d by =
the other languages, too. Like the other languages, the full verb complem=
ent =
is taken in a directional/purposive relation.
The literal meaning/etymology of the construction is less clear. If `mach=
t =
sich' meant `prepares himself', then a different preposition (`zu' or `f=81=
r') =
would be expected. There is, however, a phraseme `X macht sich an Y heran=
' =
meaning 'X approches Y'; e.g. `Paul machte sich an das Gebaeude/die Frau =
heran' `Paul approached the building/the woman.' This might be at the bas=
is =
of the periphrastic future.
Christian Lehmann
Universitaet Bielefeld
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