billy clark
Thu Feb 8 16:08:57 UTC 1996
Spring Meeting 1996: University of Sussex
Second Circular
The 1996 Spring Meeting will be held from Thursday 11 April to Saturday
13 April at the University of Sussex, where the Association will be the guests
of the Linguistics Subject Group of the School of Cognitive and Computing
Sciences. The Local Organiser is Nicola Woods (nicolajw at
Enquiries about the meeting should be sent to: LAGB Spring Meeting 1996,
Nicola Woods, School of Cognitive and Computing Science, University of
Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH.
Accommodation: will be in Kent House, which is 5 minutes walk from
the building where the talks will take place. Registration will begin at
10am on the 11th of April in the ground floor foyer of the Physics block.
Late arrivals can collect keys either from the porter in Kent House, who is
avaliable until 6pm every day, or from the Security office in York House,
which is open 24 hours a day. All rooms have wash basins, shaver points
and shared bathrooms. A small number of rooms with twin beds are available.
Rooms will be allocated strictly on a "first-come first-served" basis.
Bar: Delegates are welcome to use the Senior Common room and bar,
which is next door to the accommodation. The bar will be open until
midnight on Thursday and Friday evening.
Food: Vegetarian food will be available automatically. Please indicate any
other dietary requirements on the booking form below.
Travel: Falmer British Rail station is immediately opposite the University
entrance; frequent local trains (around 3 per hour) run from Brighton and
Lewes until midnight. Trains take approximately 8 minutes from either
direction. Delegates with heavy luggage may prefer to take a taxi from
Brighton, as there are no taxis at Falmer and the walk to the accommodation
in Kent House may take up to 15 minutes. Bus numbers 28, 128 and 729
travel between Brighton (Old Steine) and Lewes and stop outside the University.
Bus number 25 runs between Brighton (Old Steine) and the University and
comes to the North end of the campus (about 5 minutes from the accommodation
in Kent House. By car, the University is on the A27 road between Brighton and
Lewes, about 6 kilometres (4 miles) from the centre of Brighton and the
same distance from Lewes. Delegates arriving from air who have a choice of
airport should fly to London Gatwick which is closer to the University than
London Heathrow. If you are coming by sea, there is a direct rail link from
Newhaven to Falmer. From Portsmouth and Southampton, there is a
direct link to Brighton. From all other ports, take the train to London and
travel from Victoria to Brighton or Lewes.
Parking: Free parking is available in the immediate vicinity of the accommodation.
Events: The Linguistics Association 1996 Lecture on the Thursday evening
will be delivered by Professor Johanna Nichols (Berkeley) and is entitled
"Where on earth is Indo-European?"
Professor Nichols will also present a Language Tutorial on the Chechen
and Ingush languages.This will cover: basic structure, typologically and
theoretically interesting features, historical comparison, lexicon, transcription
and orthography. Some cultural and geographical information on the
people will be given, through slides and tape recordings of the languages
and Chechen and Ingush music. There will be the chance for participants
to gain active command of some basic phrases. Some basic grammatical
and lexical material and a bibliography will be distributed.
There will also be a Workshop, organised by April McMahon (Cambridge)
and Kersti Borjars (Manchester), entitled "New cognates for historical
linguistics". Participants are: Paul Foulkes (Newcastle), April McMahon
(Cambridge), Rob McMahon (Cambridge), Anna Siewierska (Lancaster).
One of the most promising developments in current historical linguistics
involves attempts to connect results from this domain with cognate
disciplines. Participants will address potential connections of historical
linguistics with typology, experimental phonetics/laboratory phonology,
and genetics. The talks will be followed by a panel discussion involving
the workshop speakers, Professor Nichols and the audience.
The Foundation of Endangered Languages, which was briefly presented
to the LAGB by its president Nicholas Ostler at the Newcastle meeting in
1995, will be holding its sixth meeting from 10 am to 12.30 pm on the morning
of 11 April, immediately before the formal start of the LAGB Meeting. It is
planned that this meeting should mark its formal incorporation as a
Company Limited by Guarantee. All LAGB participants are welcome to
attend the meeting, to find out about membership and the Foundation's
plans. Anyone wishing to receive a copy of Iatiku, the Foundation's
newsletter, should contact Nicholas Ostler at Batheaston Villa,
172 Bailbrook Lane, Bath BA1 7AA. Tel: 01225-852865.
Fax: 01225-859258, email: nostler at
There will be a Wine Party on the Thursday evening, following Professor
Nichols's lecture. The wine party is sponsored by the Linguistics Subject
Group and the School of Cognitive and Computing Science.
Bookings: should be sent to the Local Organiser, address above, to
arrive by Friday 8 March. Cheques should be made payable to
"University of Sussex".
Guests: Members may invite any number of guests to meetings of the
association, upon payment of a guest invitation fee of 5 pounds
sterling. Members wishing to invite guests should photocopy the
booking form below.
Abstracts: are available to members who are unable to attend the
meeting. Please order from the Local Organiser on the booking form
Annual General Meeting: This is to be held on the afternoon of
Friday 12 April. Items for the agenda should be sent to the Honorary
LAGB Employment Exchange: A volunteer is sought to take over the
running of the LAGB employment exchange from Siew-Yue Killingley.
If you are interested, contact the Honorary Secretary.
Nominations for speakers: Nominations are requested for future guest
speakers; all suggestions should be sent to the Honorary Secretary.
Changes of address: Members are reminded to notify the Membership
Secretary (address below) of changes of address. An institutional address
is preferred; bulk mailing saves postage.
Committee members:
Professor Greville Corbett, Linguistic and International Studies,
University of Surrey, GUILDFORD, Surrey, GU2 5XH.
e-mail: g.corbett at
Honorary Secretary
Dr. David Adger, Dept. of Language and Linguistic Science,
University of York, Heslington, York. YO1 5DD.
e-mail: da4 at
Membership Secretary
Dr. Kersti Borjars, Department of Linguistics, University of Manchester,
MANCHESTER M13 9PL. e-mail: k.e.borjars at
Meetings Secretary
Dr. Billy Clark, Communication Studies, Middlesex University, Trent Park,
Bramley Road, LONDON N14 4XS. e-mail: billy1 at
Paul Rowlett, Dept. of Modern Languages, University of Salford,
Salford M5 4WT. e-mail: p.a.rowlett at
Assistant Secretary
Dr. April McMahon, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Cambridge,
Sidgwick Avenue, CAMBRIDGE CB3 9DQ.
e-mail: AMM11 at
BLN Editor
Dr. Siew-Yue Killingley, Grevatt and Grevatt, 9 Rectory Drive,
Employment exchange: Dr. Killingley is also the employment exchange
organiser. Tel: 0191-285-8083 10.00-12.45 and 14.00-16.00 weekdays
(sometimes working at other venues during the day - ring 20.00-21.00
weekdays if necessary).
British Linguistic Newsletter: Members can subscribe to BLN (ISBN
0964-6574) by contacting the Editor, Dr. S-Y. Killingley. Please do
not send subscriptions for BLN to the LAGB Treasurer.
The LAGB internet home page is at the following address: /LAGB.
Electronic network: Please join the LAGB electronic network which is
used for disseminating LAGB information and for consulting members
quickly. It can be subscribed to by sending the message "add lagb" to:
listserv at
Future Meetings:
7-9 September 1996 Cardiff Institute of Higher Education.
7-9 April 1997 (dates provisional) University of Edinburgh.
9-11 September 1997 (dates provisional)University of Hertfordshire.
14-16 April 1998 (dates provisional) University of Lancaster.
Autumn 1998 (provisional) University of Luton.
The Meetings Secretary would very much like to receive offers of
future venues, particularly from institutions which the LAGB has
not previously visited or from places with newly established linguistics
Spring Meeting: University of Sussex
Thursday 11 April 1996
1.00 LUNCH
2.00 Workshop: "New Cognates for Historical Linguistics"
Organisers: April McMahon (Cambridge), Kersti Borjars (Manchester).
2.00 Introduction by the organisers.
2.10 Professor Anna Siewierska (Lancaster) "Historical Linguistics
and Typology"
3.00 Dr. Paul Foulkes (Newcastle) "Historical Linguistics and
Experimental Phonetics"
4.00 TEA
4.30 Workshop continues
4.30 Dr. Rob McMahon and Dr. April McMahon (Cambridge)
"Historical Linguistics and Genetics"
5.30 Panel discussion between the workshop speakers,
Professor Nichols and the audience.
7.45 Linguistics Association 1996 Lecture:
"Where on earth is Indo-European?"
Professor Johanna Nichols (Berkeley)
Friday 12 April 1996
Session A
9.00 Pat Poussa (Helsinki) "Drifting Northward: Implicational Scales
in Syntactic Levelling"
9.40 Richard Coates (Sussex) "On a Recent View of the Linguistic
Prehistory of Europe"
10.20 Jane Stuart-Smith (Oxford/Birmingham) "What Role Should
Phonetics Play in Historical Phonological Reconstruction?"
Session B
9.00 Hans van de Koot (UCL) "Strong Features and (Multiple)
9.40 Rhang K. Lee (Edinburgh) "A Typology of the Directionality of
Checking and its Implications"
10.20 George Tsoulas (York) "Empty Categories in the Minimalist
Session C
9.00 Vesselin Vatchkov (Oxford) "Word Order and Relevance: From
Prague to London or to London from Prague"
9.40 Marco Rocha (Sussex) "Discourse Processing and Anaphora"
10.20 Dick Hudson (UCL) "Some Sentences That Students I Teach Can
Remember Are Multiply Self-Embedded"
11.00 COFFEE
Session A
11.30 Ellen Thompson (Maryland) "The Syntax of Presentational and
Predicational Sentences"
12.10 James Higginbotham and Gillian Ramchand (Oxford) "The
Stage-Level/Individual-Level Distinction and the Mapping
[50-minute session]
Session B
11.30 Bruce Connell (Oxford) "Four Tones and Downtrend"
12.10 Margaret Cobb (SOAS) "Vowel Harmony in Natal Brazilian
Session C
11.30 Yaron Matras (Manchester) "Grammatical Re-Cycling and
Language Contact in Romani"
12.10 Anna Siewierska (Lancaster) "Constituent Order in the
Languages of Europe"
1.00 LUNCH
Session A
2.00 Robert D. Borsley (Bangor) and Andreas Kathol (Groningen)
"Breton as a V2 Language"
2.40 M. Siobh n Cottell (Bangor) "Verb-Movement, the Copula and
Verb-Second Phenomena in Irish"
3.20 David Willis (Oxford) "Clausal Coordination and the Loss of
Verb-Second in Welsh"
Session B
2.00 Corinne Cortes (Barcelona) "Structural Asymmetries, Agency and
the Feature [+animate]"
2.40 Heloisa Salles (Bangor/Bras!lia) "Preposition Pied-Piping and
Preposition Stranding: A Minimalist Approach"
3.20 Jamal Ouhalla (QMW) and Malcolm Edwards (Birkbeck) "Questions,
Pronouns and Operators in Spoken Arabic"
Session C
2.00 Ute Bohnacker (Durham) "The Acquisition of Determiner Phrases in
Early Child Language"
2.40 William McClure (Durham) "The Realisation of Tense in Japanese"
3.20 Andrew Spencer and Marina Zaretskaya (Essex) "Russian
4.00 TEA
4.30 Annual General Meeting
5.30 Language Tutorial: Chechen and Ingush
Johnanna Nichols (Berkeley)
7.45-8.45 Language Tutorial continues
Johanna Nichols (Berkeley)
Saturday 13 April 1996
Session A
9.00 Najib Jarad (Aleppo/Bangor) "The Origin and Reanalysis of "for"
as a Complementiser"
9.40 Isabel Mux! (Durham) "Catalan is Not VOS: Evidence from Old
10.20 Kersti Borjars (Manchester) and Carol Chapman (Newcastle)
"Agreement and Pro-Drop in Some Dialects of English"
Session B
9.00 Julia Barron (Manchester) "Circumstantial Complements in
Romance: A Gerdts' Mapping Theory Account"
9.40 Nigel Vincent and Cecilia Goria (Manchester) "Psych-Adjectives"
10.20 Arancha Mateos (Durham) "Case, Agreement and Romance DPs"
Session C
9.00 Elizabeth McCoy (York) "Absolutives, Aspect and Prepositions"
9.40 David Adger and Bernadette Plunkett (York) "Clauses and Case"
10.20 Kerstin Hoge (Oxford) "The Yiddish Double Verb Construction"
11.00 COFFEE
Session A
11.30 Paul Rowlett (Salford) "Negative Pronouns in French"
12.10 Peter Kahrel (Lancaster) "Areal Features of Negative Indefinites"
Session B
11.30 Gerald Gazdar (Sussex) "Gikuyu Preprefixation"
12.10 Zaharani Ahmad (Essex) "Correspondence Theory and Verbal
Reduplication in Malay"
Session C
11.30 Melanie Green (SOAS) "A Minimalist Approach to the Theory
of Focus in Hausa"
12.10 Richard Breheny (UCL) "Pro-active Focus"
1.00 LUNCH
2.00 Language Tutorial: Chechen/Ingush
Johanna Nichols (Berkeley)
Please return this form, with your remittance, by 8 March to: LAGB
Spring Meeting 1996, Nicola Woods, School of Cognitive and Computing
Science, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH.
Please make cheques payable to "University of Sussex".
NAME OF YOUR INSTITUTION.........................................................................
ADDRESS FOR THIS MAILING.........................................................................
EMAIL ADDRESS...................................................................................................
I enclose remittance as indicated:
EITHER 1. Complete conference package (a) or (b):
(a) including Thursday lunch preceding workshop
(i) if sent to arrive before 8 March 106-45 sterling
(ii) if sent to arrive after8 March 118-28 sterling
(b) excluding Thursday lunch
(i) if sent to arrive before 8 March 110-06 sterling
(ii) if sent to arrive after 8 March 99-05 sterling
(c) Surcharge for non-members, 5-00 sterling
OR 2. Selected items
(a) conference fee (OBLIGATORY) to cover cost of
abstracts, tea and coffee, room bookings,
speakers' expenses etc. 15-00 sterling
(b) Thursday lunch 8-22 sterling
(c) Thursday dinner 10-36 sterling
(d) Bed and Breakfast Thursday/Friday 28-95 sterling
(e) Friday lunch 8-22 sterling
(f) Friday dinner 10-36 sterling
(g) Bed and breakfast Friday/Saturday 28-95 sterling
(h) Saturday lunch 8-22 sterling
Deduct 10% if sent to arrive by 8 March
(k) Surcharge for non-members, 5-00 sterling
OR 3. Abstracts only, for those not attending.
4-00 sterling UK...................................
5-00 sterling overseas.............................
(e.g. DIET, ACCOMMODATION)...............................................................................
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