CSDL III: Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language (fwd)

Fox Barbara bfox at SPOT.COLORADO.EDU
Thu Jul 18 18:28:29 UTC 1996

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 13:26:34 -0600 (MDT)
From: Dan Jurafsky <jurafsky at Colorado.EDU>
To: cogling at ucsd.ucsd.edu
Subject: CSDL III: Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language

************  CONCEPTUAL STRUCTURE, DISCOURSE and LANGUAGE III  ***************

                      *****  PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT  *****

                          COGNITION AND FUNCTION IN LANGUAGE

                                   May 23-25, 1997

                         University of Colorado at Boulder

                              Department of Linguistics
                           Institute of Cognitive Science

The third conference on Conceptual Structure, Discourse and Language (CSDL III)
will be held from May 23-25, 1997 on the BOULDER campus of the UNIVERSITY  of
COLORADO.  This is a preliminary announcement so you can reserve the date;
look for the call for papers later in the summer.

We will invite papers which provide cognitive or functional analysis of
linguistic phenomena, including discourse, conceptual structure, language
function, metaphor, lexical semantics, pragmatics, meaning change and
grammaticalization, and language processing.

Organizing Committee: Laura Michaelis, Barbara Fox, Dan Jurafsky
(michaeli at spot.colorado.edu, bfox at spot.colorado.edu, jurafsky at colorado.edu)

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