"Successful" Grammars

Thomas E Payne tpayne at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Tue Jun 11 15:22:54 UTC 1996

Dear Linguists

  I have been asked to do an annotated bibliography of "successful"
reference grammars. Can you help me my letting me know of any grammars
you have looked at lately that you consider to be "successful"? By
succsesful I mean ones that actually accomplish what a reference grammar
is supposed to accomplish, namely make complex information about a
language accessible to educated readers who don't necessarily know
anything about that language.

  In particular, I am interested in very recent grammars of minority or
indigenous languages. If you have time to mention what you like and
dislike about each grammar, that would be helpful as well. I will post
the results on FUNKNET, and of course will cite all who contribute.

   Thanks for your help.

Tom Payne

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