Subscribing & unsubscribing to funknet

funkadmn Departmental Account funkadmn at RUF.RICE.EDU
Thu May 9 19:12:04 UTC 1996

Dear funknetters,

Those of you who will be away from your e-mail accounts for
the summer may wish to unsubscribe from funknet so that your
message boxes don't get too full.  Please save the address
and commands listed below so that you can resubscribe next

Those of you who may be moving or changing accounts for
other reasons, please unsubscribe from the old account and
resubscribe from the new account.

To unsubscribe from funknet, send the message

         unsubscribe funknet <full name>

   to the address

         listserv at

   The 'unsubscribe' message must be sent from the address that
   is currently on the funknet list.  If you wish to have deleted
   from the  list an old address from which you can no longer
   send mail, send a request to FUNKNET-request at

   To change your address, send an 'unsubscribe' command from the old
   address and a 'subscribe' command from the new address.

To subscribe to funknet, send the message

          subscribe funknet <full name>

   to the address

          listserv at

for funknet

More information about the Funknet mailing list