modal survey summary

Alan R. King mccay at JET.ES
Mon May 27 13:34:19 UTC 1996

Thanks to everyone who responded to the questions for my modal survey, which
involved giving translations of "I can/have to/want to go to Tokyo".  In all
I have documented about a hundred languages thanks to your help and that of
readers of other lists.  I have just posted a several-page summary of the
results so far on the LINGUIST list.  If you are not on that list but would
like to receive a copy of the summary, please send me a short message.

Alan R. King          |  EMAIL: mccay at
Indamendi 13, 7C      |  [or if all else fails] 70244.1674 at
20800 Zarautz         |  FAX: +34-43-130396
Euskal Herria / Basque Country (Spain)

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