Mail failure (fwd)

Enrique Figueroa E. efiguero at CAPOMO.USON.MX
Fri Apr 18 21:49:58 UTC 1997

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 15:44:00 -0400
To: "Enrique Figueroa E." <efiguero at CAPOMO.USON.MX>
Subject: Mail failure

[005] The mail retry count was exceeded sending to CAMBRIDGE/CAMBRIDGE.
[008] Unable to deliver mail due to mailbag contention.

Microsoft Mail v3.0 (MAPI 1.0 Transport) IPM.Microsoft Mail.Note
From: Enrique Figueroa E.
To:  Multiple recipients of list FUNKNET
Subject:  Re: Bees again
Date: 1997-04-18 14:48
Priority: 3
Message ID: 20D278B307B8D011B07E006097329DF4

In Spanish, for one, we normally say "(Com-)portate bien" or "Se bueno",
with preference for the former in most varieties, I should say. Max

On Fri, 18 Apr 1997, Debra Ziegeler wrote:

> The use of 'do' in
> You be good for Grandma now and if you do I'll buy you an icecream
> does sound a bit strange to me (a native speaker of Australian
> It looks from all this discussion as though 'be' should be given a
> analysis, in which it can sometimes be interpreted as 'become' or
> But this is highly speculative. It would be more interesting to
> a translation of this sentence in other languages, to see if verbs
> 'be' are used in this context, especially those unrelated to English.
> others think?
> Debra Ziegeler

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