<Funk> Teacher survey: Phonological theory

Beaumont_Brush at SIL.ORG Beaumont_Brush at SIL.ORG
Mon Apr 28 00:30:00 UTC 1997

     * * *  Cross-posted to COGLING, FUNKNET, LINGUIST, and OPTIMAL * * *

     Phonology Theory Survey for Teachers

        This is a survey of how phonological theory is taught and learned
     in introductory courses, including graduate level Phonology I and II.
     I have been investigating the most common conceptual difficulties for
     students of phonology and would appreciate your help. You need not
     have taught it recently to answer the survey. Summary posted with
     sufficient response.

     Thanks in advance,
     Beaumont Brush

     Course level(s) taught:
     Average class size:
     Which aspects of phonological theory caused your students the hardest
     What were you surprised that your students had trouble with, if
     Textbook(s) used in each phonology course you teach:
     Article(s) used in each phonology course you teach:
     Institution you teach at (will not be named in any report or summary):

     Personal information (optional but appreciated)
     Professional title:
     How long have you taught phonology?

     Names will not be used in any work. However, if it is OK to list your
     name as a respondent in a mailing list summary, please type the word

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