forthcoming book on form and function

Frederick Newmeyer fjn at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Thu Aug 21 01:56:13 UTC 1997

To all FUNKNET subscribers,

I've just finished a book that I think will be of interest to many of you.
It's called LANGUAGE FORM AND LANGUAGE FUNCTION and will be published by
MIT Press. In a nutshell I argue that syntactic structure is BOTH
'autonomous' AND functionally motivated. I've put Chapter I on the Web if
you would like to have a look. The URL is:

I won't be sending MIT Press the final version for another month, so if
you have any comments I would love to hear them.

--fritz newmeyer

Frederick J. Newmeyer
Professor and Chair
Department of Linguistics
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-4340 USA
TEL: 206-543-2046
FAX: 206-685-7978
E-MAIL: fjn at

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