Fellowships for doctoral study
Suzanne E Kemmer
kemmer at RUF.RICE.EDU
Thu Dec 11 21:03:06 UTC 1997
The Department of Linguistics at Rice University announces its Ph.D.
program in Linguistics (est. 1982), a Faculty Update, and the opening
of competition for its graduate fellowships for 1998-99.
The doctoral program at Rice emphasizes the study of language use, the
the interplay of grammatical form and context, and an empirical,
data-rich approach to linguistic investigation. The basic theoretical
orientation is functional and cognitive.
The department offers excellent training in field studies,
particularly of undocumented languages; the study of language change,
including grammaticalization; and cognitive linguistics, or the study
of language as embedded in cognition. Other faculty research
specialties include phonological theory, corpus linguistics, language
universals and typology, neurolinguistics, second language
acquisition, and applied linguistics.
The department hosts an annual distinguished speakers series; recent
speakers include: Michael Halliday (Univ. of Sydney), Willem Levelt
(Max Planck Institute), Ricardo Maldonado (Autonomous University of
Mexico), Michel Paradis (McGill), Elizabeth Traugott (Stanford), and Arie
Verhagen (Utrecht Institute of Linguistics).
The Biennial Symposium on Language also brings distinguished
researchers for close interaction with faculty and graduate students.
The Spring 1997 topic was: The Interface between Comparative
Linguistics and Grammaticalization Theory: Languages of the
Americas. Invited participants included Wallace Chafe, Tom Givon,
Bernd Heine, Terence Kaufman, Marianne Mithun, Aryon Rodriguez, and
Alexandra Aikhenvald.
Michel Achard (Ph.D. Linguistics, UC San Diego) Cognitive linguistics,
French syntax, second language acquisition.
Michael Barlow (Ph.D. Linguistics, Stanford) Associate Director,
Center for the Study of Languages. Grammatical theory, corpus
linguistics, second language acquisition, language and cognition.
James Copeland, Chair (Ph.D. Linguistics, Cornell) Functional
linguistics, phonology, Germanic linguistics, grammaticalization,
Uto-Aztecan (Tarahumara).
Philip W. Davis (Ph.D. Linguistics, Cornell). Semantics and
syntax, language and intelligence, language description, Amerindian
(Bella Coola; Alabama), Austronesian (Atayal, Ilokano, Yogad).
Spike Gildea (Ph.D. Linguistics, University of Oregon) Diachronic
syntax, field methods and ethics, phonology, typological/functional
linguistics, Amazonian languages.
Suzanne Kemmer (Ph.D. Linguistics, Stanford) Language universals
and typology, semantics, syntactic and semantic change, cognitive
linguistics, Germanic, Nilo-Saharan.
Sydney Lamb (Ph.D. Linguistics, UC Berkeley) Director, Cognitive
Sciences Interdisciplinary Program. Cognitive linguistics,
neurolinguistics, language and thought, Amerindian (Monachi).
Douglas Mitchell (Ph.D. Linguistics, UT Austin) Comparative
Indo-European linguistics, historical linguistics, early
Germanic dialects, history of linguistics, Sanskrit.
Stephen A. Tyler, (Ph.D. Anthropology, Stanford) Cognitive
studies, philosophy of language, anthropological linguistics,
languages of India.
**Note: The Department has plans to advertise for an
additional faculty position in 1998-99.**
Graduate fellowships include tuition, and typically, a cash
stipend. Graduate stipends are normally renewable for four years upon
satisfactory performance, and candidates can apply for a fifth year of
support. (The department is fortunate to have been able so far to
support all students it has admitted, through University Fellowships,
Presidential Fellowships, Dean's Fellowships, other competitive
university-wide Fellowships, and National Science Foundation
APPLICATION DEADLINE: February 1, 1998 (January 15 for those applying for
Dean's Fellowships.)
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Graduate Record Examination and TOEFL
(for non-native speakers of English) should be taken in time
for scores to be reported by mid-February. See website below for
additional application information.
WEB SITE: See the departmental web site at http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~ling
for more information on the program, applications, support, etc.
Department of Linguistics
Rice University
P.O. Box 1892
Houston TX 77251-1892
(713) 527-6010
email: ling at ruf.rice.edu
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