Language Editorial Policy

Daniel L. Everett dever at VERB.LINGUIST.PITT.EDU
Mon Feb 10 02:26:51 UTC 1997

Perhaps it would be in order to make a brief comment on Brian MacWhinney's
remark that the editor of Language refused to publish his reply to
Gibson's review of the Competition Model. I am not sure that I interpreted
Brian's remark accurately, but on one reading it seems to imply that the
editor was unfair or arbitrary.

At least at the time that I was an Associate Editor of Language, which I
believe corresponds to the time of the Gibson review, it was (and I am
nearly certain still is) the policy of Language not to publish replies to
reviews, period. Authors wishing to respond to a review must have their
rebuttals refereed like any other publication in Language. There are no
free rides in the journal. I do not know if the editor of Language
informed Brian of this or how he submitted his reply, but I do know that
nothing is published in Language unless it is reviewed.

-- Dan


Dan Everett
Department of Linguistics
University of Pittsburgh
2816 CL
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Phone: 412-624-8101; Fax: 412-624-6130

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