Urgent Info. about ISP and Phone Companies with F.C.C.

Dan or Alysse Rasmussen danr at INETW.NET
Thu Feb 13 18:29:38 UTC 1997

Alysse here ....

I'm going to foward this to a couple of listservs (and ask others who see it
to post it on to yet other listservs).  It's not a joke; I called the FCC &
asked 2/13/97.

There is a proposal before the FCC to start charging for internet calls.  If
you want the particulars (or want to file an electronic protest) go to

There has been so much interest generated in this that the FCC has set up a
special "internet comments" page.  You can file your opinion from that page.
Send a message from the (red) isp at fcc.gov address.
Be very specific ... the subject-line has to include the docket # 96-263.
You'll need to send your snailmail name & address, too.

 At 11:52 AM 2/13/97 -0500, you wrote:
>                         *****LISTEN UP!!!*****
>Every regional phone company in the U.S. is asking the F.C.C. to allow them
>to charge access fees to all internet service providers. ISP's have been
>exempt from such charges since 1983, something that has helped keep our
>monthly INET connection charges low. If the F.C.C. decides to allow phone
>companies to begin charging isp's, such charges will be based upon every
>minute that a customer is connected, and passed along to each customer.
>To give you an idea of how much additional you could end up paying a
>month, here's one example:
>Pacific Bell says that INET surfers use it's phone lines an average of 45
>minutes a day. If PacBell was allowed to charge only 1 cent per minute,
>this would increase the average customers bill $13.50 a month, over and
>above what is paid now.
>Let's suppose a customer is connected for an average of 3 hours a day. The
>monthly bill would then increase $54.00. That's *over and above what your
>isp charges now*. If you pay $19.95 a month now for unlimited time
>connected, your bill in the future (at 3 hours a day) would then be $73.95
>a month.
>It is most unusual for the F.C.C. to set up an e-mail address
>for the public to comment. If we don't take advantage of it, we
>will end up paying for it in the pocketbook.
>Please read the message below, and note that we have only until
>February 13 (TODAY!!!) to send comments to the F.C.C. NOW IS THE TIME FOR
>Both the President and Vice-President have touted their goal is
>to have every home in the country connected by the year 2000. If
>the phone companies are allowed to charge us by the minute, that
>plan will be shot down in flames. It wouldn't be a bad idea either
>tolet both Clinton and Gore know what you think.
>                             ******************
> I am writing you this to inform you of a very important matter
> currently under review by the FCC. Your local telephone company has
> filed a proposal with the FCC to impose per minute charges for your
> internet service. They contend that your usage has or will hinder the
> operation of the telephone network.
> It is my belief that internet usage will diminish if users were
> required to pay additional per minute charges. The FCC has created an
> email box for your comments, responses must be received by February
> 13, 1997 (TODAY!). Send your comments to:
>        isp at fcc.gov
> and tell them what you think.
> Every phone company is in on this one, and they are trying to sneak
> it in just under the wire for litiagation. Let everyone you know here
> this one. Get the e-mail address to everyone you can think of.
>!!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>> isp at fcc.gov <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<!!!!!
>Please forward this email to all your friends on the internet so all
>our voices may be heard!
>    ******************************************

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