Tone of Discussion

Ron Kuzar kuzar at RESEARCH.HAIFA.AC.IL
Fri Jan 3 06:38:18 UTC 1997

Sorry to interfere, but the arrogant tone of discussion as initiated by
Anne Sing is very annoying. I, for one, am very interested in trees (and
other structural descriptions) and do not care at all if these trees can
be afterwards utilized for commercial products. I do think that
intellectual challenges may be launched and may benefit the thinking
community, so could you please calm down and spare us the show.
|                 Dr. Ron Kuzar                                 |
| Office address: Department of English Language and Literature |
|                 Haifa University                              |
|                 IL-31905, Haifa, Israel                       |
| Office fax:     +972-4-824-0128 (attention: Dept. of English) |
| Home address:   17/6 Harakefet St.                            |
|                 IL-96505, Jerusalem, Israel                   |
| Telephone:      +972-2-641-4780 (Local 02-641-4780)           |
| E-mail:         kuzar at                    |

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