What is this dispute anyway?

Jon Aske jaske at ABACUS.BATES.EDU
Sun Jan 12 21:41:59 UTC 1997

David Pesetsky wrote:
> Do you really think that's what I said?

David, I'm sorry if I put words into your mouth.  I was going by my
interpretation (corroborated by many others) of what people in your
school, not necessarily you yourself, have been saying for the last few
decades, at least until the last time I checked.  Perhaps my
interpretation was erroneous.  If so, I am quite willing to stand
corrected.  I think that that is what this discussion (I don't dare call
it "dispute") is all about.  I feel, and I'm sure many others do too,
that we need a lot more communication in our field.  It may turn out
that we agree on more things than we ever thought we did.  Although I am
personally a bit skeptical about this, I too am after the Truth and not
after winning partisan battles.  So let's talk.


Jon Aske
jaske at abacus.bates.edu
Nolako egurra, halako sua
"Such as is the wood, thus will be the fire."

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