form versus meaning
Diego Quesada
Mon Jan 13 13:45:53 UTC 1997
On Mon, 13 Jan 1997, Daniel L. Everett wrote:
> The core questions of linguistics have to do with
> phonology, syntax, and morphology ***(and that will get about 1%
agreement*** on this list). Semantic, discourse, diachronic and other questions are
> crucial, of course, but all rely to a greater or lesser degree to the
> answers on morphology, syntax, and phonology, as do questions asked by
> psycholinguistics. [stars mine, DQ]
Can you lay the egg? Are you implying that the linguists in this list do
not do syntax? Better, are you imlying that syntax is just the sort of
closed set game formalists practice?
To J. Mayhill: I "was linguistically raised a Chomskyan". During the
passage from M.A. to Ph.D. it simply lost its attraction to work on
something that by just a matter of faith had to be understood as being
real. But I won't go into details about my "heresy". Suffice it to say
that there are many like me. Is it also the other way?
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