agree with suzette haden elgin

Luc Garneau lgarneau at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Jan 24 17:34:58 UTC 1997

While I prefer not to comment to almost ANYONE on the whole ebonics issue
(because most non-linguists don't really understand what ebonics entails
anyway), I have had similar experiences with people regarding the popular
concept of what a "linguist" is.  When I mention to people that I have an MA in
linguistics and teach English/Linguistics part-time at National-Louis
University in Evanston, they assume I am a strict prescriptivist, and are very
concerned about talking to me about things.  Suzette's "I am afraid to talk to
you -linguists just look for mistakes" (pardon my approximate quote) comment is
one I have encountered more than once!

When I explain that I am more of a descriptivist, then go on to explain the
descriptive/prescriptive distinction, they go the opposite extreme and assume
that I am a proponent of "bad grammar".  It's tough sometimes, studying such a
constantly changing subject.

As to the responsibility of linguists...I will wait to see what others say
before commenting!

Luc Garneau
Adjunct Instructor of English
National-Louis University
Evanston, Illinois

e-mail: lgarneau at

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