Ali Aghbar
Fri Jul 18 15:17:01 UTC 1997
Below you will find a home page for a dissertation written by
Christina Gitsaki. She has an impressive list of references on
collocations. (I know that Gitsaki now has a new e-mail address
although I do not have a handy record of it at the moment.)
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 19:23:44 +1000 From: Christina
Gitsaki <chris at LINGUA.CLTR.UQ.OZ.AU> Subject: Ph.D. Thesis
on Collocations
Dear Colleagues, I would like to announce that my Ph.D.
Thesis on the Development of ESL Collocational Knowledge is
now available on WWW. Here's the URL:
Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
Regards, Christina Gitsaki
Copyright 1996 by Christina Gitsaki
I am also interested in the study of collocations and fixedness,
so I would appreciate receiving a summary of what you find.
Ali Aghbar, Dept. of English, Indiana U. of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 15705
aaghbar at Phone: (412) 357 4937
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