Conference on External Possession

Doris Payne dlpayne at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Thu Jun 19 00:25:47 UTC 1997

Conference on External Possession and Related Noun Incorporation

Eugene, Oregon
September 7-10, 1997

Conference Organizers:
  Doris Payne, University of Oregon (dlpayne at
  Immanuel Barshi, University of Colorado (ebarshi at
  Gwen Frishkoff, University of Oregon (gwenf at



Sunday, September 7

     6:00       Registration

     6:30       Welcoming and Opening Remarks

     7:15       Reception

Monday, September 8

      8:15      Registration and Continental breakfast

Session 1: The functional bases for EP constructions

9:00    Maura Velz-Castillo (U. of Wisconsin)
        EP constructions in Spanish and in Guaran
9:40    Bernard Comrie (U. of Southern California) & Maria Polinsky (UC at San Diego)
        Possessor raising in a language that does not have any

     10:20              Break

10:40   Zygmunt Frajzyngier (U. of Colorado)
        External possessor: A system-interactional approach

11:20   Mirjam Fried (U. of Oregon)
         From interest to ownership: A constructional view of External

12:00   Discussant: Suzanne Kemmer (Rice U.)

     12:30              Lunch

Session 2: EP constructions in languages of Europe

2:00    Martin Haspelmath (U. of Bamberg)
        External possession in a European areal perspective

2:40    Silvia Luraghi (Terza U. di Roma)
        Possessor Raising in Indo-European

     3:20               Break

3:35    Melissa Bowerman & Ursula Brinkmann (Max Planck Inst.)
        The structure and acquisition of external possessor in German, Dutch, and

4:15    Vera Podlesskaya & Ekaterina Rakhilina
        External Possession, reflexivization & body parts in Russian

4:55    Discussant: Bill Croft (U. of Manchester)

     5:25               Break

Session 3: Typological Studies I

5:50    William McGregor (U. of Melbourne)
        NP-External possession constructions in the Nyulnyulan languages

6:30    Hilary Chappell (La Trobe U.)
        External possession constructions in Sinitic languages: Double
        unaccusative in Taiwanese Southern Min, Cantonese Yue, and Mandarin

7:10    Wataru Nakamura (U. of Electro-Communication, Tokyo)
        On the argument structure of inalienable possession constructions

7:50    Discussant: Marianne Mithun (UC at Santa Barbara)

Tuesday, September 9

     8:15       Registration and Continental breakfast

Session 4: Psycholinguistic/Experimental panel

9:00    Keiko Uehara (CUNY at Buffalo)
        External possessors in Japanese from a psycholinguistic viewpoint: Some
        sentence completion data

9:15    Immanuel Barshi (U. of Colorado) & Doris Payne (U. of Oregon)
        Experimental design in processing of argument structures: Maasai external

9:30    Panel Discussion

                Discussants:    Melissa Bowerman (Max Planck Inst.)
                                Murray Singer (U. of Manitoba)
                                Russell Tomlin (U. of Oregon)

    10:00               Break

Session 5: Typological Studies II

10:20   Donna Gerdts (Simon Fraser Univ.)
        Mapping possessors: Parameterizing the EP construction

11:00   Jack Martin (C. of William and Mary)
        External Possession in Muskogean

     11:40              Lunch

1:00    Noel Rude (Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation)
        EP in Sahaptian

1:40    Ronald Schaefer (U. of Illinois)
        On the properties of Emai possessor promotion

2:20    Discussant: T.B.A.

Session 6: Incorporation and EP

3:00    Mark Baker (McGill Univ.)
        Conditions on external possession in Mohawk: Incorporation, argument
        structure, and aspect

3:40    Paulette Levy
        "Where" rather than "what": Incorporation of "parts" in Totonac

4:20    Veerle van Geenhoven (Max Planck Inst.)
        A semantic analysis of external possessors in West Greenlandic noun
        incorporating constructions

5:00    Discussant: Marianne Mithun (UC at Santa Barbara)

     5:30               Dinner

Session 7: Incorporation vs. EP

7:00    Roberto Zavala (Max Planck Inst.)
        Possessor raising and incorporation of body parts in Oluta Popoluca

7:40    Mark Donahue (U. of Manchester)
        Syntactic roles vs. semantic roles: External possession in Tukang Besi

8:20    Discussant: Suzanne Kemmer (Rice U.)

Wednesday, September 10

     8:15       Registration and Continental breakfast

Session 8: EP, subjects, and "Subjects"

9:00    Toshihide Nakayama (UC at Santa Barbara)
        Two ways of marking possession of arguments in Nootka

9:40    Judith Aissen (UC at Santa Cruz)
        Possessor and logical subject in Tz'utujil

10:20   Pamela Munro (UCLA)
        Possession of non-canonical subjecthood

11:00   Discussant: T.B.A.

     11:20              Break

     11:40      Panel discussion: Towards an adequate theory of syntax

Discussants:    Judith Aissen (UCSC)
        Mark Baker (McGill U.)
        Bill Croft (U. of Manchester)
        Suzanne Kemmer (Rice U.)
        Marianne Mithun (UCSB)
        Doris Payne (U. of Oregon)

     6:30       BBQ dinner at the home of Tom and Doris Payne (Please
                register at the desk; see map for address and directions.)

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