Lexicography Workshop, 23 June -- 15 August, 1997

Tom Payne tpayne at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Fri Mar 14 15:39:33 UTC 1997

The Summer Institute of Linguistics at the University of Oregon, as part
of its regular offerings, will be sponsoring a lexicography workshop
from 23 June to 15 August, 1997. The workshop will be led by Valentin
Vydrine, of the European University of St. Petersburg, Russia. Dr.
Vydrine is a specialist in the lexicography of West Africa, and is
corrently compiling a massive comparative dictionary of the Manding
languages. This workshop will be designed for all linguistic and
anthropological fieldworkers who are in the process of preparing a
dictionary of an underdescribed language.

Oregon SIL also offers a variety of graduate and undergraduate level
courses in field-oriented linguistics, including a "Workshop in
Grammatical Description."

For more information on the workshops and other offerings of the Summer
Institute of Linguistics at Oregon, please contact Tom Payne
(tpayne at oregon.uoregon.edu)

Thank you.
Thomas E. Payne, Department of Linguistics, University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403, USA
Voice: 541 342-6706. Fax:   541 346-3917

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