International Symposium on Reflexives and Reciprocals

Curl Traci S curl at UCSU.COLORADO.EDU
Tue May 6 21:34:35 UTC 1997

The symposium will address the issues of reflexive and reciprocal forms
and function from different theoretical perspectives and in a wide variety
of languages.


International Symposium on Reflexives and Reciprocals
August 29-30, 1997
Boulder, Colorado

Bernd Heine, University of Cologne, Germany -TBA
Mathias Schladt, University of Cologne, Germany - The Typology and
Grammaticalization of Reflexives with Special Reference to Body Parts
Nino Amiridze - Institute of Oriental Studies, Georgian Academy of
Sciences, Tbilisi Georgia - Nostalgia for being a Noun: A Case of Georgian
Suzanne Kemmer - Rice University, Houston, TBA
Elly van Gelderen, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona - When's a
Pronoun an Anaphor?
Ekkehard Koenig, Free University of Berlin - Intensifiers and Reflexives:
A Typological Perspective
Werner Abraham, University of Groningen, Netherlands - On the Intensifier
'Selbst' in German
Ekaterina A. Lyutikova, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow - Reflexives
and Emphasis in Tsakhur (Nakh-Dagestanian)
Sergio Meira, Rice University, Houston, Texas - Reflexives and the
Accidental Active-Stative Systems of Cariban
Donna Gerdts, Simon Fraser University, Urnaby, B.C., Canada - Transitivity
and the Core and Grammaticized Properties of Halkomelem Reflexives and
Linda Manney - United States International University, San Diego -
Reflexive and Reciprocal Strategies in Modern Greek: Lexical and
Zygmunt Frajzyngier, University of Colorado - Affectedness, control and
anaphora: the reflexive forms and functions
Kirsi Hiltunen, Helsinki, Finland - Reflexive Pronouns in Finnish:
Syntactic and Pragmatic?
Yan Huang, University of Reading, Great Britain - Interpreting
Long-Distance Reflexives: A Neo-Gricean Pragmatic Approach
Eric Reuland, University of Utrecht, Netherlands - Encoding Anaphoric
Pierre Pica, URA 1720 CNRS, Paris, France - TBA
Filomena Sandalo, MIT - Binding and Polysynthesis in Kadiweu
Gunsoo Lee, St. Louis, MO - Referentiality and Long-distance Binding
Frantisek Lichtenberk, University of Auckland, - Reciprocals without
Elena Maslova, University of St. Petersburg, Russia and University of
Bielefeld, Germany - Reciprocals in Yukaghir Languages
Meichun Liu, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan ROC -
Reciprocal Marking by Verbs 'Come' and 'Go' in Mandarin
Martin Everaert, University of Utrecht - The Syntax (and Semantics) of
William McGregor - Reflexive and reciprocal constructions in the
Nyulnyulan languages (Dampier Land and Kimberley, Western Australia)

Ricardo Maldonado, Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas, UNAM, Jurica,
Mexico - Conceptual Distance and Transitivity Increase in Spanish
Jeff Turley, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah - A Prototype Analysis
of Romance Indeterminate Reflexive Construction

Contact research assistant Traci.Curl at colorado.EDU
Dept. of Linguistics
Box 295
Boulder, CO 80309

A block of rooms has been set aside at the College Inn, 1229 Athens,
Boulder CO 80302; phone # 303-444-2676. Mention the symposium when making

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