Schadenfreude in other languages

Pamela Faber pfaber at REDESTB.ES
Wed May 7 06:42:06 UTC 1997

I would think that a better word in Spanish would be "regocijarse" or
better yet, "regodearse", although admittedly neither transmits the total
meaning of Schadenfreude.

Pamela Faber
Faculty of Translation
University of Granada

> De: Enrique Figueroa E. <efiguero at CAPOMO.USON.MX>
> A: Multiple recipients of list FUNKNET <FUNKNET at LISTSERV.RICE.EDU>
> Asunto: Re: Schadenfreude in other languages
> Fecha: martes 6 de mayo de 1997 21:34
> Interesting how different languages (most probably, I guess, copying one
> language, probably German, which is the case for Slavic languages) add or
> take away nuances.
> In Spanish the noun of the corresponding phrase could be any one of
> these (and perhaps some others too):
> *infortunio, desgracia, mal, sufrimiento, desdicha*
> All of these would be accompanied by the adjective *ajeno*
> As for the verb, it could be any of the following (and probably some
> others as well):
> *gozar, complacerse, disfrutar, alegrarse* (always with one the these
> prepositions: *de*/*con*).
> Example: *gozar de la desgracia ajena*
> ME

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