Johan.VanDerAuwera auwera at UIA.UA.AC.BE
Wed May 28 10:06:48 UTC 1997

Second International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology
(ALT), September 11 - 14 (Thursday through Sunday) 1997, Eugene, OR



8:45-9:00    WELCOME! (by ALT Officers)

9:00-9:30    Jan Rijkhoff & Dik Bakker (University of Amsterdam)
             Typology and language sampling
9:30-10:00   Michael Cysouw (University of Nijmegen)
             Languages floating in 'head-dependent' space:
             Implications of a large-scale geographic patterns
10:00-10:30  Leon Stassen (University of  Nijmegen)
             A-languages and B-languages: Parameter clusterings
             in the languages of the world
10:30-11:00  J. Diego Quesada (University of Toronto)
             Preference as a typological parameter: A test case

11:00-11:30  COFFEE BREAK

11:30-12:00  Walter Bisang (Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet
             A typology of classifiers in East and Southeast
             Asian languages: Counting and beyond
12:00-12:30  William McGregor (University of Melbourne)
             Verb classification in North-west Australia

12:30-2:00   LUNCH BREAK

2:00-2:30    Anna Siewierska (Lancaster University)
             On nominal and verbal person marking
2:30-3:00    Kari Fraurud (Stockholm University)
             Possessives in extensive use: A source of definite
3:00-3:30    Vera I. Podlesskaya (Russian State University of
             Coordination and subordination in clause
             combining: Resumption as a clause linking device

3:30-4:00    COFFEE BREAK

4:00-5:00    SPECIAL LECTURE
             Joseph H. Greenberg, (Ray Lyman Wilbur Professor
             of Social Science, Emeritus, Stanford University)
             "The relation of historical linguistics to

 5:00-7:00   DINNER BREAK


7:00-7:30    Matthew Dryer (SUNY Buffalo)
             Optional ergative marking in Hanis Coos
7:30-8:00    Noel Rude (Conf. Tribes of the Umatilla)
             Split ergativity in Sahaptian
8:00-8:30    Janne Underriner (University of Oregon)
             Adjectivals in Klamath

8:30-9:00    COFFEE BREAK

9:00-9:30    Timothy Thornes (University of Oregon)
             Instrumental prefixes in Northern Paiute
9:30-10:00   TBA
10:00-10:30  Scott DeLancey (University of Oregon)
             Bipartite verbs in Western North America


9:00-9:30    Giulia Bencini (University of Colorado)
             Classification and explanation of yes/no
             question markers
9:30-10:00   Ferdinand de Haan (University of New Mexico)
             Evidentiality and epistemic modality
10:00-10:30  Johan van der Auwera (Universiteit Antwerpen)
             On the typology of negative modals

10:30-11:00  COFFEE BREAK


11:00-11:30  Fengxiang Li (California State University, Chico)
             & Lindsay J. Whaley (Dartmouth College)
             A cross-linguistic examination of causative,
             intensive and reciprocal
11:30-12:00  Tarek Ahmed (Universitaet zu Koeln)
             Control, initiation and event-construal:
             The semantic relaion between causatives,
             factitives and permissives
12:00-12:30  Mily Crevels (University of Amsterdam)
             Concession: A cross-linguistic approach


11:00-11:30  Sidney da Silva Facundes (SUNY at Buffalo)
             Word order in Apurina(Maipuran)
11:30-12:00  Jon Aske (UC Berkeley)
             Focus position as the main parameter of
             word order typology
12:00-12:30  Maria Polinsky (University of Southern
             California/UC San Diego)
             VSO and VOS: Differences and similarities

12:30-2:00   LUNCH BREAK


2:00-2:30    Greville Corbett (University of Surrey)
             A typology of nominal number system: values
             and constraints
2:30-3:00    Dik Bakker (University of Amsterdam)
             Competing motivations: a basis for typologies


2:00-2:30    Elena Maslova (Universitaet Bielefeld /
             St. Petersburg Institute for Linguistic Research)
             "Mixed" topic types and "optimal" topic encoding
2:30-3:00    Oesten Dahl & Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm
             (Stockholm University)
             Kinship in grammar

3:00-3:30    COFFEE BREAK

3:30-4:00   Jennifer Fitzpatrick-Cole & Aditi Lahiri
            (Universitaet Konstanz)
            Phonological phrasing, focus and intonation
4:00-4:30    Marika Butskhrikidze (Institute of Oriental Studies,
            Tbilisi/Leiden University)
            Distribution of consonant clusters in relation
            with fixed accent placement

4:30-5:00   Joan Bybee, Paromita Chakraborti, Dagmar
            Jung & Joanne Scheibman (University of New Mexico)
            Prosody and segmental effect: Some paths of
            evolution for word stress

5:00        Business meeting

SATURDAY  September 13


9:00-9:30    Stephen Matthews (University of Hong Kong)
             Relative clauses and the word order typology of
             Chinese: A parsing perspective
9:30-10:00   Regina Wu, Amy Meepoe & Foong Ha Yap (UCLA)
             The contribution of inherent lexical semantics to
             the interpretation of temporal reference in
             tenseless languages
10:00-10:30  Kaoru Horie (Tohoku University)
             Functional continuum "genitive - pronominal -
             complementizer": Cross-linguistic evidence from
             Cantonese, English, Japanese, Korean and
             Mandarin Chinese

10:30-11:00  COFFEE BREAK

11:00-11:30  Wolfgang Schellinger (Universitaet Konstanz)
             Dual number and cultural complexity
11:30-12:00  Zygmunt Frayzyngier & Erin Shay (University
             of Colorado)
             The grammatical function of nominal classes: A
             system interaction approach
12:00-12:30  Inga Dolinina (McMaster University)
             Event-plurality: Grammatical status and semantic

12:30-2:00   LUNCH BREAK

2:00-2:30    Bernard Comrie (University of Southern California)
             & Maria Polinsky (University of Southern
             California/UC San Diego)
             The great Dhagestan case hoax
2:30-3:00    Matthew Dryer (SUNY Buffalo)
             Postpositional clitics vs. case suffixes
3:00-3:30    Balthasar Bickel (Universitaet Zuerich)
             The syntax of double marking languages
3:30-4:00    Ritsuko Kikusawa (ILCAA, Tokyo University of
             Foreign Studies)
             Determination of transitive structures in
             Polynesian languages: With special reference to

4:00-4:30   COFFEE BREAK

4:30-5:00   Johannes Helmbrecht (Universitaet zu Koeln)
            The autonomy of person marking: On the
            morphological correlation of person and TAM
5:00-5:30   Per Durst-Andersen (Copenhagen Business School)
            Two types of aspectual systems


9:00-9:30   Kees Hengeveld (UvA Amasterdam), Jan N.M. Rijkhoff
            (UvA Amsterdam) & Anna Siewierska (Lancaster)
            Part-of-speech system as a basic typological
9:30-10:00  Casper de Groot (IFOTT/UvA Amsterdam)
            Parts of speech and derivation
10:00-10:30 William Croft (Manchester)
            Parts of speech as language universals and as
            language-particular categories

10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK

11:00-11:30 Paul J. Hopper (Carnegie Mellon University)
            How do we do verbs? A contribution to the discourse
            study of categories
11:30-12:00 Jan Anward (Stockholm) and Leon Stassen (Nijmegen)
            Loss of part-of-speech distinctions
12:00-12:30 Petra M. Vogel (Osnabrueck)
            A new explanation for the de-grammaticalization of
            the English word-class system

12:30-2:00  LUNCH BREAK

2:00-2:30   Maria-Koptjevskaja-Tamm (Stockholm) and Frans Plank
            Kinds of adnominals: adjectives, nouns, and
            in between
2:30-3:00   Marianne Mithun (Santa Barbara)
            Noun and verb in Iroquoian
3:00-3:30   Edith Moravcsik (Milwaukee)
            Hungarian adjectives from a typological point
            of view
3:30-4:00   Juergen Broschart (Koeln)
            'Unnatural morphology' in a natural language:
            lexicon-syntax interaction in Nama (Khoekhoe)

4:00-4:30   COFFEE BREAK

4:30-5:00   David Gil (Kuala Lumpur)
            Syntactic categories in Riau Indonesian
5:00-5:30    Inger Ahlgren (Stockholm) & Brita Bergman(Stockholm)
            Parts of speech in Swedish Sign Language

5:30-6:00   Summary of the workshop

6:00-8:00   DINNER BREAK

8:00-11:00  PARTY


9:00-9:30   Alexandr Kibrik (Moscow State University)
            A typology of experiential verbs
9:30-10:00  Martin Haspelmath (Free University of
            Berlin/University of Bamberg)
            Adpositions of temporal sequence and temporal
            distance: lessons from a cross-linguistic study
10:00-10:30 Kumiko Ichihashi-Nakayama (UC Santa Barbara)
            A study on the typology and universals of

10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK

11:00-11:30 Masayoshi Shibatani (Kobe University)
            Semantic parameters for intransitive-based passives
11:30-12:00 Dan I. Slobin (UC Berkeley)
            There is more than one way to talk about motion:
            Consequences of linguistic typology for narrative


ALT II will be held on the campus of the University of Oregon,
Eugene, OR, USA.  The main sessions will be in Gilbert Hall 231.

Registration fee for the conference will be $20; this will be
waived for students.  Morning and afternoon refreshments will
be provided for conference-goers.

There is no need for preregistration unless someone needs some
sort of letter from here in order to get funding or permission
for their travel.  Anyone with this or any other problem should
contact Scott Delancey, the local organizer.

   Scott Delancey
   Department of Linguistics
   University of Oregon
   Eugene, OR 97403
   delancey at
   Fax +1-541-3463917

There are no international flights directly into Eugene.  There
are convenient connections to San Francisco, Portland, and
Seattle, all of which have abundant flights to and from Europe
and Asia. The taxi ride from the airport to campus or nearby
motels is neither long nor terribly expensive.


All these motels are within easy walking distance of the meeting
site.  Those marked with # are particularly close.

Make reservations directly with the hotel.  All phone numbers are
Area Code 541-

(S)= single, (D) = double.  Most motels will give you a special
discount if you mention that you are attending a conference
connected with the University of Oregon Linguistics Department.

##New Oregon Motel
     1655 Franklin Blvd.      $52.50(S)           683-3669
     attn. Diane              $60.50(D)

#Greentree Motel
     1759 Franklin Blvd.      $55-110             485-2727
     attn. Karen

#Phoenix Inn
     850 Franklin Blvd.       $57(S)              344-0001
     attn. Jude                $65(D)              686-1288 (FAX)

Franklin Inn
     1857 Franklin Blvd.      $35-50              342-4804

Quality Inn
     2121 Franklin Blvd.      $35(S)              342-1243
     attn. Christy                                343-3474 (FAX)

Excelsior Inn
      754 E. 13th             $69-160             342-6963
                                                  346-1417 (FAX)
Barron's Motor Inn
     1859 Franklin            $40-90              343-6383

Campus Inn
     390 East Broadway        $40-78              343-3376

For those requiring more luxurious accommodations, these can be
had at one of the following hotels.  The Hilton is about 3-4 km.
from campus; the Valley River is not within practical walking

Eugene Hilton
     66 East 6th             $79(S)              342-6651
                               $94(D)              342-6661 (FAX)

Valley River Inn
     1000 Valley River Drive  $100(S)             687-0123
                               $120(D)             687-0289 (FAX)

For information on the Association for Linguistic Typology contact:

Johan van der Auwera
Linguistiek (GER)
Universiteit Antwerpen (UIA)
B-2610 Antwerpen
auwera at
fax: +32-3-8202762

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