8th functional grammar conference, call for papers

M. Hannay hannay at LET.VU.NL
Tue Oct 14 12:12:28 UTC 1997

Eighth International Conference on Functional Grammar

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
6-9 July 1998

Correspondence address: ICFG8, Faculteit der Letteren, Vrije Universiteit, De
Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Fax: +31-20-444 6500.
E-mail enquiries to: ICFG8 at let.vu.nl

Since 1984, there has been a highly successful biennial series of
International Conferences on Functional Grammar: Amsterdam (1984), Antwerp
(1986), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (1988), Copenhagen (1990), Antwerp
(1992), York (1994), and C+rdoba (1996).  Each of these conferences has
helped advance the theory of Functional Grammar and create an ever-growing
international community of researchers. It is now time to announce the eighth
in this series.


The Eighth International Conference on Functional Grammar (ICFG8) will be
held at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam from 6 to 9 July 1998 and will be
organized by Mike Hannay, Caroline Kroon, Lachlan Mackenzie and Lourens de

The Conference will be held in English and will be devoted to Functional
Grammar (FG) as set out by the late Simon Dik. His The theory of Functional
Grammar, Parts 1 and 2 has appeared posthumously with Mouton de Gruyter
(Berlin). Papers are invited that address matters arising from that book and
more generally from the tradition of work in FG. Extensive information on FG,
including a bibliography of FG, can be found at the following web-site:


On Saturday 4 July 1998, there will be a one-day Colloquium on the Predicate
in Functional Grammar at the Vrije Universiteit, organized jointly by the
Institute for Functional Research into Language and Language Use
(Amsterdam-Leiden) and the CNRS Nancy 2 (France) and funded by the
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO. Participants in ICFG8
are cordially invited to attend this Colloquium, free of charge.


If you wish present a paper , you are requested to send an abstract of your
presentation, preferably by e-mail to ICFG8 at let.vu.nl, or by "snail mail" to:

ICFG8 Organizing Committee
Faculteit der Letteren,
Vrije Universiteit,
De Boelelaan 1105,
1081 HV Amsterdam,
The Netherlands

to arrive no later than 15 January 1998. Please note that this deadline MUST
be met.

Please make sure that your abstract is:
- no longer than 300 words
- written in good English

Your abstract should include the following:
1. Title of the presentation
2. Your name, postal address, institutional affiliation and (where
applicable) your
e-mail address and/or fax number
3. Text of the abstract
4. References, if necessary
5.  An indication whether special audio-visual equipment is required

All abstracts will be assessed by the Organizing Committee, which will put
together a programme that is thematically coherent. If there are sufficient
papers on (a) Predicate Formation and/or (b) the relation between Functional
Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics, special workshops will be incorporated
into the programme, to be led by Casper de Groot and Dik Bakker respectively.


All participants will be asked to pay a Conference fee of NLG 175. The fee,
to be paid in full and in Dutch currency (cash) at the beginning of the
Conference, will cover participation in the conference itself, the book of
abstracts, the opening reception, tea and coffee during breaks, as well as an
excursion on Wednesday afternoon 8 July. There will also be a banquet in the
evening after the excursion, for which all participants in the Conference
will be invited to sign up (for an extra charge). [Participants whose
abstract has been selected for presentation or who register as non-presenters
will be informed how they can, if they wish, pay in advance by credit card.]


Participants will be expected to make their own arrangements for travel to
and from Amsterdam. Their attention is drawn to the possibility of arriving
by Saturday 4 July 1998 and thereby benefiting from APEX air travel rates;
the Saturday can be spent at the Colloquium on the Predicate, and the Sunday
devoted to tourism - there will be an opening reception on Sunday evening, 5


The university restaurants will be open to participants throughout the day
and in the evening. Participants will also be provided with a list of
recommended restaurants in Amsterdam.


Participants wishing to attend without presenting a paper should provide the
following information to the ICFG8 Organizing Committee:
- name
- postal address
- affiliation
- if available, e-mail and/or fax number


Participants whose abstract has been accepted or who have registered as a
non-presenter will be sent an overview of accommodation in Amsterdam, across
the full price range, from very cheap upwards; they will be expected to make
their own arrangements with the hotels, hostels, etc.

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