Constituency Symposium Info.

Paul J Hopper ph1u+ at ANDREW.CMU.EDU
Thu Sep 18 13:30:05 UTC 1997

Ngoni Chipere & Other Funknetters

Sorry for the delay in responding to various messages; I have been out
of town at the ALT conference in Eugene, and got back just a couple of
days ago to classes, meetings, and a big pile of messages.
In response to my message, there were several inquiries about the Santa
Barbara constituency conference. It was held last May, and the person
officially organizing it was Charles Li, though perhaps someone at UCSB
should confirm that Charles rather than someone else should be contacted
for information regarding the program and publications. I am attaching
hereto the program as it was distributed a couple of weeks before the
conference; the actual program, as they say, "varied".
 - Paul Hopper


Excerpts from mail: 23-Apr-97 Constituency Symposium Prog.. by Paul T
Barthmaier at ucsbux
> Program for the Santa Barbara Constituency Symposium
> Friday, May 30, 1997
> 9:30-9:40 Introduction - Charles Li
> 9:40-12:30 Session 1 - Carol Genetti, Chair
> 9:40-10:20 David Mc Neill - University of Chicago
>         "Relationships (straightforward and otherwise) between
> grammatical constituents and gestures"
> 10:20-11:00 - Susan Duncan - University of Chicago
>         "A case study of grammaticization in Mandarin Chinese:
> from gesture for the constituent structure of spoken utterances"
> 11:00-11:10  BREAK
> 11:10-11:50 Charles Goodwin - UCLA
>         "The visibility of constituent structure in discourse"
> 11:50-12:30 Cecilia Ford (University of Wisconsin), Barbara Fox
> (University of Colorado) and Sandra Thompson (UCSB)
>         "Turn increments as constituents in English conversation"
> 12:30-2:00  LUNCH
> 2:00-5:00 Session 2 - Pat Clancy, Chair
> 2:00-2:40 Marja-Liisa Helasvuo - Academy of Finland
>         "What can intonation tell us about constituency"
> 2:40-3:20 James Martin - University of Sydney
>         "Prosodic 'structure': grammar for negotiation"
> 3:20-3:40  BREAK
> 3:40-4:20 Christian Matthiessen - Macquarie University
>         TBA
> 4:20-5:00  William Croft - University of Manchester
>         "Intonation units and grammatical structure in Wardaman and
> Saturday, May 31,1997
> 9:30-12:30 Session 3 - Mark Durie, chair
> 9:30-10:10 Joan Bybee and Joanne Scheibman - University of New Mexico
>         "The effect of usage on degrees of constituency: the reduction
> DON'T in English
> 10:10-10:50 A.M. Bolkestein -
>         "Word order variation and discontinuity in complex noun
> in Latin"
> 10:50-11:10  BREAK
> 11:10-11:50 Ritva Laury - California State University, Fresno
>         "Headedness in Finnish prepositional and postpositional
> 11:50-12:30 Paul Hopper and Joyce Tang Boyland - Carnegie Mellon
>         "Constituent structure as Emergent Grammar: The diachrony of
> verbal complex in English"
> 12:30-2:00  LUNCH
> 2:00-5:00 Session 4 - Matthew Dryer, chair
> 2:00-2:40 Michael Noonan - University of Wisconsin
>         "How and why constituents differ in strength"
> 2:40-3:20 Michael Ewing - University of Melbourne
>         "Clause constituency in Cirebon Javanese"
> 3:20-3:40  BREAK
> 3:40-4:20 Nikolaus Himmelmann - Australian National University
>         "Projective constituent structures"
> 4:20-5:00 Connie Dickinson - University of Oregon
>         TBA
> 9:30-12:30 Session 5 - William Ashby, chair
> 9:30-10:10  Susanna Cumming - UCSB
>         "Doing justice to the data: Richer representation for
> constituency in discourse"
> 10:10-10:50 Tsuyoshi Ono - University of Arizona
>         TBA
> 10:50-11:10  BREAK
> 11:10-12:30  Discussion

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