John sent Mary a book for Smith

Martin Kay kay at PARC.XEROX.COM
Thu Apr 30 06:51:36 UTC 1998

In message <Pine.SV4.3.94.980429085432.5422G-100000 at>you write:
>Dear netters,
>        In the sentence
>        "J sent M a book for S"
>Who is the recipient and benefactive?
>Is the sentence ambiguous.

M is the recipient  and S the adenificiary (the phrase or verb is benefactive!)

>        Is the following sentence acceptable?
>        "J sent M a book to S/her hotel"

For me, the hotel is OK, but not S

I have had difficulty persuading my conative speakers that a teacher might
say to a pupil
        I want you to take me your mother this note
Maybe the subscribers to this list are more liberal.

--Martin Kay

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