Job description, Rice University

Philip W Davis pwd at RICE.EDU
Sat Aug 22 21:19:20 UTC 1998

Assistant Professor of Linguistics
Rice University

The Department of Linguistics, Rice University, is seeking to
fill a tenure- track position in linguistics at the level of
assistant professor beginning fall, 1999. The Ph.D. is required.

We are seeking a person who has multiple capabilities. First, we
desire someone whose primary focus is the social contextualization
of language. The candidate should have an interest in teaching
undergraduate and graduate courses on language & society and
sociolinguistics. We also expect the successful candidate to
share the orientation of the Department of Linguistics, which
takes an integrative approach to language that is sensitive to
functional and cognitive concerns. Fieldwork on a non-Indo-European
language and an interest in language description and diachrony
are pluses. Possible areas of expertise include sociolinguistics,
pidgin and creole linguistics, and (con)textual analysis. We
anticipate that the new faculty will interact with other programs
such as Cognitive Sciences, Anthropology, Sociology, and the Center
for the Study of Languages.

Rice University is a private, selective institution with undergraduate
and graduate strengths in science, engineering, the social sciences
and the humanities. Rice places strong emphasis on research and
excellence in classroom teaching. The normal course load is six
hours per semester.

Interviews will be held in January, 1999 at the LSA meeting in
Los Angeles. For full consideration, applications including cover
letter, CV, three names of references, and a representative
writing sample must be received by November 15, 1998. Reply to:
Faculty Search, Department of Linguistics MS23, Rice University,
P.O.Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251-1892. E-mail: ling at

Philip W. Davis, Acting Chair     e-mail: pwd at
Department of Linguistics MS23    tel:    (713)527-6010
Rice University                   fax:    (713)527-4718
6100 Main St.                     web:
Houston, TX 77005

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