Workshops and Conferences at the 1999 Linguistic Institute

Philip A. Bralich, Ph.D. bralich at HAWAII.EDU
Tue Dec 1 02:08:25 UTC 1998

I would be interested in having a workshop for working with
Ergo Linguistic Technologies NLP tools.  The tentative title
would be "Making Commercially Viable NLP Software Using
the Ergo Tools."  Let me know if this is feasible.  In addition
we would offer training in how to use these tools for linguistic
analysis and for the extension of these tools to other languages.

Phil Bralich

At 10:57 AM 7/13/98 -1000, Peter Lasersohn wrote:
>Linguistics for the 21st Century: Form and Function from Western and
>The LSA Linguistic Institute has traditionally been a popular venue for
>workshops and conferences. The upcoming 1999 Institute will be held at the
>University of Illinois, June 21-July 30, 1999.  If you are interested in
>organizing a WORKSHOP or CONFERENCE at the 1999 Linguistic Institute, please
>contact us as soon as possible:
>Peter Lasersohn, Internal Associate Director
>Department of Linguistics, MC 168
>4088 Foreign Languages Building
>707 South Mathews Ave.
>Urbana, IL 61801
>laser at
>(217) 244-3054
>The infrastructure will be in place to host events that range from 10-500
>participants. We expect dozens of events to be held here during the Institute,
>and popular dates and rooms will fill up fast, so please do not delay.
>Information on the web:
>About the Institute:
>About the Linguistics Department at the University of Illinois:
>About the University of Illinois and surrounding community:
Philip A. Bralich, Ph.D.
President and CEO
Ergo Linguistic Technologies
2800 Woodlawn Drive, Suite 175
Honolulu, HI 96822

Tel: (808)539-3920
Fax: (808)539-3924
bralich at

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