Qs: 'Review article' on functionalism

Frederick Newmeyer fjn at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Thu Dec 31 01:39:01 UTC 1998


If I might also be so immodest as to suggest something that I wrote
myself, you might consider my book LANGUAGE FORM AND LANGUAGE FUNCTION,
published just this month by MIT Press. In it, I lay out what I see as the
differences between functionalist and generativist approaches and argue
that the autonomy of language structure is compatible with central aspects
of that structure being functionally motivated.

Frederick J. Newmeyer
Professor and Chair
Department of Linguistics
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-4340 USA
TEL: 206-543-2046
FAX: 206-685-7978
E-MAIL: fjn at u.washington.edu
HOME PAGE: http://weber.u.washington.edu/~fjn/

On Wed, 30 Dec 1998, Guy Deutscher wrote:

> Dear funknetters,
> I have been asked by a palaeontologist colleague if there is a good article
> which summarises the differences between the functionalist and generativist
> approaches to language. Can anyone recommend an article (or even a book)
> which (1) would be accessible to non-linguists and (2) would give a fair
> assessment of the functionalist view of  language and its development?
> Thanks,
> Guy Deutscher
> =========================
> Dr Guy Deutscher
> St. John's College
> Cambridge CB2 1TP
> England

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