No subject

John Myhill john at RESEARCH.HAIFA.AC.IL
Wed Jan 7 06:35:31 UTC 1998

I have also informally observed the high frequency of left-handed male
linguists, but my observation (to myself) was even more specific--it seemed
to be (among professional linguists) that there were a good number of
left-handed male psycholinguists/cognitive linguists. I made this
observation a
few years ago and noticed handedness at a few conferences, but I never made
a list and the only names I remember now are David Zubin and Bill Croft,
but I'm sure there were a number of others. In Israel I've observed a high
of lefthanded people in general in linguistics classes (5/11 in a seminar
I taught last year), but this is true of female as well as male students.
John Myhill

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