NLP Standards on the Web
Anne Sing
annes at HTDC.ORG
Mon Jan 12 19:41:28 UTC 1998
The VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) Consortium
( has just accepted my proposal to form a
working group to develop standards for the interaction of
Natural Language Processing tools with 3D animations for the
purpose of command and control and interactive dialogs with 3D
animations. For those who would like to know more about the
proposed standards or would like to participate in the working
group, the proposal for the working group and the initial set of
standards can be found at
The VRML Consortium is a group made up of individuals working to
create international standards for VRML under the International
Organization of Standardization. The VRML Consortium web page
describes these efforts, "The International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies from some 100 countries, one from each country. ISO is online
at The Joint Technical Committee 1 (JTC 1) of the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has worked
cooperatively over the past two years with the VRML community to
transpose the publicly available VRML specification into an
International Standard. Within JTC 1, the development work on VRML
is assigned to Subcommittee 24 (SC24) whose area of work is Computer
Graphics and Image Processing.
VRML 97, the latest specification, can be seen at
As you know current groups such as EAGLES or the MUC conferences that
propose standards for NLP have not done much in the area of interactive
dialogs or command and control. For this reason, the discussion on the
VRML list concerning the development of standards for NLP in the area of
interactive dialogs and command and control may be of value to many
readers of this list. To subscribe to the list send the message
"subscribe nlp-anim" to nlp-anim-request at To view the initial
proposals go to
Phil Bralich
Philip A. Bralich, Ph.D.
President and CEO
Ergo Linguistic Technologies
2800 Woodlawn Drive, Suite 175
Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: (808)539-3920
Fax: (808)5393924
Philip A. Bralich, President
Ergo Linguistic Technologies
2800 Woodlawn Drive, Suite 175
Honolulu, HI 96822
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