LAGB Autumn Meeting (fwd)
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funkadmn at RUF.RICE.EDU
Thu Jul 9 18:19:03 UTC 1998
From: M.Groefsema at HERTS.AC.UK (M.Groefsema)
Marjolein Groefsema
Meetings Secretary LAGB
> Autumn Meeting 1998: University of Luton
> Second Circular
>The 1998 Autumn Meeting will be held from Thursday 10 to Saturday 12
>September at the University of Luton, at its Park Square Campus, where the
>Association will be the guests of the Department of Linguistics. The Local
>Organiser is Vlad Zegarac (vladimir.zegarac at Enquiries about
>the meeting should be addressed to:
>Vlad Zegarac, LAGB 1998, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Luton, 75
>Castle Street, Luton , Bedfordshire, LU1 3AJ.
>The conference immediately follows the Relevance Theory Workshop, which takes
>place at the University of Luton from 8th to 10th of September (for further
>information contact: S.Nicolle at
>Accommodation: will be in the University Halls of Residence, within 5-7
>walking distance from the Park Square building where the talks will take
>place. All bedrooms are single. Each bedroom is part of a flat, which
>consists of a bathroom, kitchen and five bedrooms. Rooms will be allocated
>strictly on a "first-come first-served" basis.
>Registration: will begin at 12 noon on Thursday the 10th of September in
>the Park Square Building.
>Bar: a bar will be available every day during the conference.
>Food: please indicate vegetarian and any other dietary requirements on the
>booking form below.
>Childcare: If you require childcare during the conference, please contact
>the Local Organiser for further details.
>Travel by train: There are direct trains to Luton from London Kings Cross
>Station and from Gatwick Airport. It takes five minutes to walk from the
>rail station to Park Square Campus (a map will be sent with your booking
>Travel by car: If driving, take junction 10 off the M1; initially follow
>the sign for the A1081; from the next roundabout follow signs for town
>centre; once you are near the town centre follow signs for Park
>Square/university of Luton.
>Parking: free parking will be available for all delegates.
>Events: The Henry Sweet Lecture 1998 on the Thursday evening will be delivered
>by Dan Sperber (CNRS, and CREA, Ecole Polytechnique
>Paris) and is entitled Relevance in an Evolutionary Perspective.
>Dan Sperber will also be participating in a Workshop on Experimental
>pragmatics on Thursday afternoon and evening. The workshop is organised by
>Billy Clark (Middlesex University). Other contributors are Anne
>Bezuidenhout (South Carolina), Stephen Newstead (Plymouth),Steve Nicolle
>(Middlesex), and Ira Noveck (Ecole Polytechnique Paris).
>There will be a Language Tutorial on Roshani, a Pamir language of the Eastern
>Iranian group of Indo-European, given by John Payne (University of
>There will be a Wine Party on the Thursday evening, following Dan Sperber's
>Bookings: should be sent to the Local Organiser, address above. There is a 10%
>discount on bookings received by Friday 21 August. Cheques should be made
>payable to "University of Luton".
> Thursday 10 September 1998
>1.00 LUNCH
>2.00 Workshop on Experimental Pragmatics
>Organiser: Billy Clark (Middlesex University)
>With Anne Bezuidenhout (South Carolina), Stephen Newstead (Plymouth),
>Steve Nicolle (Middlesex), Ira Noveck (Ecole Polytechnique Paris),
>Dan Sperber (CNRS, and CREA, Ecole Polytechnique Paris)
>3.30 TEA
>4.00 Workshop continues
>6.30 DINNER
>7.45 Henry Sweet Lecture 1998
>Dan Sperber (CNRS, and CREA, Ecole Polytechnique Paris)
>Relevance in an Evolutionary Perspective
> Friday 11 September 1998
>Session A
>9.00 Masako Ohara (Essex) "Mixed characteristics of verbal nouns in
>9.40 Kensei Sugayama (Kobe City) "Japanese NQs and unaccusativity: From a
> WG point of view"
>10.20 Jasper Holmes (UCL) "Causing, changing and acting"
>Session B
>9.00 A. Sophia S. Marmaridou (Athens) "Conceptual metaphor and the
> relativity issue: The case of M. Greek financial discourse"
>9.40 Nathalie Franken (ULB) "Towards a new definition of the act of
> communication"
>10.20 Isao Higashimori (Kobe College) "Metaphor and metonymy in loanwords:
> Relevance Theory vs. Lakovian Cognitive Semantics"
>Session C
>9.00 Kuniya Nasukawa (Tohoku Gakuin and UCL) "Prenasalisation as a case
> of lenition"
>9.40 Cecile De Cat and Bernadette Plunkett (York) "On the status of
> strong pronouns in early French"
>10.20 Harald Clahsen and Sam Featherston (Essex) "Four accounts of `trace
> reactivation': evidence from German scrambling"
>11.00 COFFEE
>11.30 Language Tutorial: Roshani
> John Payne (University of Manchester)
>1.00 LUNCH
>Session A
>2.00 Norio Nasu (UCL) "Attract F and the status of Spec-IP in infinitival
> clauses"
>2.40 Seiki Ayano (Durham) "Multiple feature-checking and a double object
> construction in Japanese"
>3.20 Laura Rupp (Essex) "`Inverted' negative imperatives in English"
>Session B
>2.00 Christoph Unger (SLI) "Causality and relevance"
>2.40 Anne Furlong (Newfoundland) "The Soul of Wit: a relevance-theoretic
> approach"
>3.20 Anna Papafragou (UCL) "Possibility and concession"
>Session C
>2.00 Dick Hudson (UCL) "Syncretism and the X-form"
>2.40 Chet Creider (Western Ontario) "Swahili verbal inflectional morphology
> in theoretical perspective"
>3.20 Anne Zribi-Hertz (Paris-8) "Number specification and referentiality: a
> contrast between French and Malagasy"
>4.00 TEA
>4.30 LAGB Business Meeting
>5.30 Language Tutorial continues
>6.30 DINNER
>7.45 Language Tutorial continues
> Saturday 12 September 1998
>Session A
>9.00 Shen Yuan (Hong Kong) "Sentences with indefinite subjects and their
> information structures"
>9.40 Mayumi Masuko (Waseda) "Valence reduction and lexical meaning"
>10.20 Valia Kordoni (Tübingen) "Agentivity, causation, cliticization and
> verb constructions: at the syntax-lexical semantics interface"
>Session B
>9.00 S J Hannahs & Maggie Tallerman (Durham) "On getting `the' right in
> Welsh"
>9.40 Nedzad Leko (Oslo) "Syntactic versus semantic agreement in the Oslo
> Corpus of Bosnian texts"
>10.20 John Payne and Erika Chisarik (Manchester) "Case-markers and
> postpositions: the Hungarian problem"
>Session C
>9.40 Sam Featherston, Harald Clahsen, Thomas Muente and Matthias Grosz
> (Essex) "Raising and equi structures in HPSG and PPT: psycholinguistic
> evidence"
>10.20 Chieko Kuribara (Reading) "Resetting or tactics?: Acquisition of
> Functional Category C by Japanese Learners of English"
>11.00 COFFEE
>Session A
>11.30 Delia Bentley and Thórhallur Eythórsson (Manchester) "`Have' is not BE"
>12.10 Bernadette Plunkett (York) "Locutionary inversion in modern French"
>Session B
>11.30 S J Hannahs (Durham) "Unexceptional exceptions and French glides"
>1.00 LUNCH
>Session A
>2.00 Roger Maylor (Durham) "The German be- prefix: a case of incorporation"
>2.40 Jim Miller (Edinburgh) "What is a non-configurational language?"
>Session B
>2.00 April McMahon (Cambridge) "Expecting the unexpected: predictability and
> contingency in Optimality Theory"
>2.40 Guy Deutscher (Trinity) "The different faces of uniformitarianism"
>Please return this form, with your remittance, to: Vlad Zegarac, Dept. of
>Linguistics, University of Luton, 75 Castle Street, Luton , Bedfordshire,
>LU1 3AJ. Please make cheques payable to "University of Luton". (All prices
>are in pounds sterling ("stlg")).
>I enclose remittance as indicated (select appropriate package):
>1. Complete conference package:
>(a) including Thursday lunch preceding workshop
> (i) if sent to arrive before 21 August 96.10 stlg
> (ii) if sent to arrive after 21 August 104.00 stlg
>(b) excluding Thursday lunch
> (i) if sent to arrive before 21 August 87.10 stlg
> (ii) if sent to arrive after 21 August 95.00 stlg
>(c) Surcharge for non-members, 5.00 stlg
>2. Selected items:
> (a) conference fee (OBLIGATORY) to cover cost of
> abstracts, tea and coffee, room bookings,
> speakers' expenses etc. 15.00 stlg ..........
> (b) Thursday lunch 9.00 stlg ..........
> (c) Thursday dinner 9.00 stlg ..........
> (d) B&B Thursday/Friday 22.00 stlg ..........
> (e) Friday lunch 9.00 stlg ..........
> (f) Friday dinner 9.00 stlg ..........
> (g) B&B Friday/Saturday 22.00 stlg ..........
> (h) Saturday lunch 9.00 stlg ..........
> SUB-TOTAL: ..........
> Deduct 10% if sent to arrive before 15 August ..........
> (i) Surcharge for non-members, 5-00 stlg ..........
> TOTAL: ..........
>4. Abstracts only, for those not attending:
>5-00 stlg UK.................... 6-00 stlg
>BY TRAIN ..... BY CAR ...... OTHER ........
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