
Sherman Wilcox wilcox at UNM.EDU
Thu May 7 14:06:25 UTC 1998

I send this privately to Carl, but I'll post it to the list also in case
anyone is interested:

One of our doctoral students at the University of New Mexico, Jim
MacFarlane, recently did some research and a paper on mirativity in
American Sign Language, where it seems that a lexical item (the word WRONG)
has acquired grammatical function and now occurs only between phrases, the
second of which expresses some unexpected or surprising event.

-- Sherman

Sherman Wilcox, Ph.D.
Department of Linguistics
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
phone: 505-277-6353
fax:   505-277-6355

wilcox at unm.edu

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