Jobs at University Manchester

Bill Croft W.Croft at MAN.AC.UK
Thu May 7 15:43:28 UTC 1998

The Linguistics Department at Manchester University is currently
advertising three jobs:

A chair in Phonetics and Phonology (from September 1999)

A lectureship in Historical Linguistics (from September 1998, tenure track)

A lectureship in Linguistics (from September 1998, for five years)

For further details of all three jobs and the department, please look at
our web page:

Brief details for each job follow below.


Chair in Phonetics & Phonology (Ref no 308/98)

The University of Manchester invites applications for a Chair in Phonetics
& Phonology in the Department of Linguistics, which will become available
in September 1999 following the retirement of Alan Cruttenden. Applications
will be considered from those specializing in any area of phonetics and/or
phonology. A strong research and publications record is essential. The
successful candidate will also be expected to provide research leadership
in the whole area of phonetics and phonology and to enhance the
department's research income in this field.
Salary by negotiation c. £35k p.a. Closing date for applications: 30 June 1998.
Applications forms are available from and applications should be submitted
to: Office of the Director of Personnel, The University of Manchester,
Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK. Tel: ++44 (0)161 275 2028; Fax: ++44
(0)161 275 2221; Minicom (for the hearing impaired): ++44 (0)161 275 7889.
Email: personnel at
Applications should quote the above reference number and contain the names
of three referees. It is the responsibility of applicants to ensure that
supporting letters of reference are sent to the same address by the closing
date for applications.
It is expected that interviews for this post will be conducted in early-mid
September 1998 and applicants should indicate any limitations on their
availability in that period.

Person Description
Candidates should have a strong research and publication record in any area
of phonetics and/or phonology. The successful candidate will be expected to
provide research leadership in the whole area of phonetics and phonology,
and to enhance the department's research income in this field.

Job Description
The appointed candidate will be expected to contribute to the research,
teaching and administration of the Department of Linguistics. He/she will
be required to offer courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels
and to supervise doctoral students. Headship of the Department rotates
among the senior members of staff and can be expected to fall to the
Professor of Phonetics and Phonology in due turn.


Lectureship in Historical Linguistics (Ref. no. 310/98)

Applications will be considered from those specializing in any branch of
historical linguistics. A strong research record is essential, and a
completed PhD is desirable. Applicants must be able to demonstrate an
interest both in the theoretical study of language change and in the
history of one or more languages and language families. Preference may be
given to candidates whose research relates to the history of a language or
languages other than English. The starting date is 1 September 1998 or as
soon as possible thereafter. Salary in the range: £16045 - £21894 p.a.
(under review). Closing date for applications: 9 June 1998.
Applications forms are available from and applications should be submitted
to: Office of the Director of Personnel, The University of Manchester,
Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK. Tel: ++44 (0)161 275 2028; Fax: ++44
(0)161 275 2221; Minicom (for the hearing impaired): ++44 (0)161 275 7889.
Email: personnel at
Applications should quote the above reference number and contain the names
of three referees. It is the responsibility of applicants to ensure that
supporting letters of reference are sent to the same address by the closing
date for applications.
It is expected that interviews for this post will be conducted in the week
beginning 15 June 1998.

Person Description
Candidates should possess a strong research record, including a PhD or
equivalent publications, in the any area of historical linguistics. They
must be able to demonstrate an interest both in the theoretical study of
language change and in the history of one or more languages and language
families. Preference may be given to candidates whose research relates to
the history of a language or languages other than English. Candidates will
need to have or acquire the presentational skills necessary for lectures,
seminars and small group teaching, and the IT and organizational skills
appropriate to departmental teaching and administration.

Job Description
The appointed candidate will be expected to contribute to the research,
teaching (both undergraduate and postgraduate) and administration of the
Department of Linguistics.


Lectureship in Linguistics (Ref. no 309/98)

Applications will be considered from those specializing in phonetics and/or
phonology, particularly as these disciplines relate to the study of reading
and writing. A strong research record is essential, and a completed PhD is
desirable. This position is available for a limited tenure of 5 years,
starting on 1 September 1998 or as soon as possible thereafter. Salary in
the range: £16045 - £21894 p.a. (under review). Closing date for
applications: 9 June 1998.
Applications forms are available from and applications should be submitted
to: Office of the Director of Personnel, The University of Manchester,
Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK. Tel: ++44 (0)161 275 2028; Fax: ++44
(0)161 275 2221; Minicom (for the hearing impaired): ++44 (0)161 275 7889.
Email: personnel at
Applications should quote the above reference number and contain the names
of three referees. It is the responsibility of applicants to ensure that
supporting letters of reference are sent to the same address by the closing
date for applications.
It is expected that interviews for this post will be conducted in the week
beginning 15 June 1998.

Person Description
The candidate should possess a strong research record, including a PhD or
equivalent publications, in phonetics and/or phonology, particularly as
these disciplines relate to the study of reading and writing. Candidates
will need to have or acquire the presentational skills necessary for
lectures, seminars and small group teaching, and the IT and organizational
skills appropriate to departmental teaching and administration.

Job Description
The appointed candidate will be expected to contribute to the research,
teaching (both undergraduate and postgraduate) and administration of the
Department of Linguistics.

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