Ideophone Symposium
Erhard Voeltz
erhard.voeltz at UNI-KOELN.DE
Mon Oct 5 10:25:43 UTC 1998
The Institut für Afrikanistik, Universität zu Köln
D-50923 Cologne, Germany/Allemagne
wishes to announce the:
International Symposium on Ideophones.
January 25-27, 1999
F. K. Erhard Voeltz & Christa Kilian-Hatz, Conveners
The symposium will convene at the:
Tagungsheim, Heimvolkshochschule
Arnold-Janssen-Straße 24
D-53754 Sankt Augustin
Preliminary Program
Barry Alpher. Intonation, given and new, and ideophones in some indigenous
languages of Australia.
Yiwola Awoyale. Form-meaning interface in Yoruba ideophones.
Amha Azeb. Ideophones in Wolaitta.
Robert Blust. Is there a universal level of structure between the phoneme
and the morpheme?
Farida Cassimjee & Charles W. Kisseberth. The tonology of the ideophone in
Tucker G. Childs. Ideophones, language variation, and language contact:
Changes in Zulu.
Denis Creissels. Ideophones as uninflected predicative lexemes in Setswana.
Didier Demolin. Ideophones and sound symbolism in Hendo.
Gérard Dumestre. L'intégration des éléments idéophoniques dans la langue :
le cas du bambara.
Francis O. Egbokhare. Phono-semantic correspondence in Emai attributive
Stefan Elders. Defining ideophones in Mundang.
Vesa Jarva. Expressive use of words of foreign origin.
Christa Kilian-Hatz. Ideophone or not?
Sataro Kita. Two-dimensional semantic analysis of Japanese ideophones.
Merja Koistinen. Syntactic structure of expressive words: Colorative
Daniel P. Kunene. Speaking the act: The ideophone as a linguistic rebel.
Omen N. Maduka-Durunze. Phonosemantic hierarchies.
Ngandu-Myango Malasi. Comportement des idéophones en lega (D. 25).
William McGregor. Ideophones as the source of verbs in northern Australian
Eve Mikone. Are there ideophones in the Balto-Finnic languages?
Paul Newman. Are ideophones really as weird and extra-systematic as
linguists make them out to be?
Philip A. Noss. Ideas, phones and Gbaya verbal art.
Janis Nuckolls. Sound symbolic grammar of Pataza Quechua.
George Poulos & C. T. Msimang. The ideophone in Zulu--a reexamination of
descriptive and conceptual notions.
Paulette Roulon-Doko. Statut des idéophones en gbaya, langue oubanguienne de
William J. Samarin. One tale, one narrator, three languages: Ngbandi, Sango,
S. C. Satyo. Ideophones and ideograms in Xhosa.
Ronald P. Schaefer. Ideophonic adverbs and manner gaps in Emai.
Eva Schultze-Berndt. Traces of ideophones in complex predicates of Northern
Tasso Okombe. La formation des radicaux verbaux déidéophoniques en tetela
(dialecte ewango).
Jess Tauber. Complementary distribution of distinct ideophone classes in
left- vs. Right-headed languages.
F. K. Erhard Voeltz. The sound of silence: Contributions of African
languages to our understanding of the ideophone.
Richard L. Watson. A comparison of ideophones in Southeast Asia and Africa.
For further information:
Tel: 49.221.470.4741
Fax: 49.221.470.5158
e-mail: erhard.voeltz at
e-mail: christa.kilian at
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