Job Announcement (fwd)

Spike Gildea spikeg at OWLNET.RICE.EDU
Thu Oct 8 18:30:24 UTC 1998


The University of Oregon seeks a full-time Instructor in modern Hebrew,
beginning Fall, 1999.  Applicants should have native or near-native
competence,  MA or better in Hebrew or field related to language learning
and teaching, experience and skill in college-level language teaching.
Applications should include cv, at least 3 letters of reference, evidence
of excellence in teaching including student evaluations, syllabi, related
teaching materials, and description of instructional methods, goals, and
background for teaching Hebrew.  Duties will include first- and second-year
modern Hebrew, and other courses to be determined on the basis of the
appointee's background and the program's needs.  Send applications to
                         Professor Richard L. Stein
                         Hebrew Language Search Committee
                         English Department
                         University of Oregon
                         Eugene, or 97403-1294
                         Phone: (541) 346-3971
                         FAX to (541) 346-2220.
                         e-mail: rstein at
Please refer in your inquiry to to HEBREW SEARCH. Review of applications
will begin January 1, 1999.  The University of Oregon is an equal-
opportunity, affirmative action institution committed to cultural
diversity and compliance with the Americans with Diasabilities Act.

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