Call for Papers (KWPL)

John Kyle jkyle at EAGLE.CC.UKANS.EDU
Thu Oct 29 03:20:53 UTC 1998

Please Post

***********************Call for Papers************************


Number 1:  General Linguistics
Number 2:  Studies in Native American Languages

Deadline:  January 31, 1999

The editors of Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics will produce two
numbers of Volume 24, for 1999.  We welcome submissions of papers on
all topics in the field of linguistics and closely-related disciplines
for Number 1.  Papers dealing with native languages of the Americas
will be selected for Number 2.  Since we are a working paper,
publication in KWPL does not preclude later publication elsewhere of
revised versions of papers.  Submissions should be in good readable
form (double or 1.5 spaced), not necessarily final copies.  Student
papers are encouraged.

Please include name, address, email address (if possible) when sending

Please send papers or inquiries to this address:
        Editors, KWPL
        Linguistics Department
        427 Blake Hall
        University of Kansas
        Lawrence, Kansas  66045
        e-mail: LGSA at

John Kyle, editor KWPL
jkyle at

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