Announcement: Workshop on American Indigenous Languages
Fiona Whalen
6500frw0 at UCSBUXA.UCSB.EDU
Mon Apr 19 08:07:51 UTC 1999
Santa Barbara, CA
May 14-16, 1999
The linguistics department at the University of California, Santa Barbara
announces its second annual Workshop on American Indigenous Languages
(WAIL), a forum for the discussion of theoretical and descriptive
linguistic studies of indigenous languages of the Americas.
** Invited Speaker: Sara Trechter **
* Roundtable Discussion led by Wallace Chafe and Marianne Mithun
* Presentation by the UCSB American Indian Student Association
* Reception and dinner
Registration: $20 (see form at end of message)
For further information check out our web site at:
or contact conference coordinator at:
wail at or (805) 893-3776
Session 1
Matthew Gordon Intonational properties of
Eugene Buckley On the naturalness of unnatural
Graham Horwood Anti-faithfulness and Subtractive
Session 2
Loretta O'Connor Classificatory verbs of transfer
in Lowland Chontal
James Copeland Marking of Semantic Roles and
Grammatical Relations in Tarahumara
Robert Cromack Simple Forms and Multiple
Functions in Cashinawa Narrative
UCSB American Indian Students Association
Session 3
William Weigel Referential Tracking in Yokuts
Anna Berge Preliminary Studies of the
Distribution of Aamma in West
Timothy Thornes Demonstratives in Northern Paiute
Session 4
Keynote Address
Sara Trechter
Session 5
Pilar Maritza Valenzuela Transitivity, Case-Marking, and
Switch-Reference in Shipibo-Konibo
Nancy Mattina Toward a history of the
inflectional future in
Colville-Okanagan Salish
Session 6
Rosa Yanez Rosales Language Replacement in a Nahuatl
Speaking Community: Testimonies of
the Speakers and Their Children
Fred Field A quantitative look at borrowing
patterns in Malinche Mexicano
John Nichols Incorporative and Hyperbolic
Variation in Severn Ojibwe
Session 7
Roundtable Discussion
Session 8
Randy Rightmire Native vs. borrowed grammar:
Relative clauses in Santa Maria
Chimalapa Zoque
Jeff Rasch The grammaticization and
lexicalization of Yaitepec Chatino
Sergio Meira de Santa Cruz Oliveira Nominalizations in Tiriyo
Session 9
Ellen Courtney Child Acquisition of the Quechua
Affirmative Suffix
Connie Dickinson Mirativity, Evidentiality and
Semantic Verb Classes in Tsafiki
Session 10
Rosemary G Beam de Azcona Ablaut in Coatlan-Loxicha Zapotec,
a diachronic explanation
Darin Howe and Patricia Shaw Prosodic Faithfulness: Vowel
Syncope and Reduction as Output-Output
Suzanne Wash Immitative Sound Symbolism in
Miwok Languages
Workshop on American Indigenous Languages Registration Form
Name: _____________________________________
Affiliation: _____________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________
E-mail: _____________________________________
Would you be interested in purchasing a copy of
the conference procedings?
Yes ___ No ___
Registration for the conference is $20 per person.
Make checks payable to WAIL. Send check or money
order and form to:
Workshop on American Indigenous Languages
Department of Linguistics
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
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